Free «Management Information Systems» Essay Sample

Delta mounted DNS with the mind of cutting done operational cost and boost profitability by speeding up reporting of its clients, attracting the most income generating customers, reducing impediments at the terminals and make the services provided by it customer friendly. The DNS facilitated income per commuter to rise more than the majority of the rest of airline flying in the world. The airline reformation was made were made by humanizing unit income performance, retiree benefit rates, paying of pension to individuals and improving Delta aircraft task force.


The main agenda of Delta since it was founded was to ensure secure and reliable movement of persons and luggage through via the air. It has also prioritized in excellent customer services. They have acquired major resource are taking time in ensuring that they are the leaders in the air. They have, unique products and services and their vision, has always been to meet their large community of different customers’ expectations.



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The delta airlines have it is headquarters in the USA and other branches in the world with well planned timely transportation for luggage and people throughout the world. The airline has collaborated with different companies in the world to provide services needed by the passengers.

Through information systems and telecommunication strategy Delta`s business strategy is to cut expenses, ensure customers` needs are met and to increase its profits.

Chapter 8

Part 2


The new DNS has added a lot of value to business strategy of Delta: this includes increased competitiveness of the Delta airline over many other airlines in the world. It has helped in cutting down the cost and increased the revenue collection. Among others are the reduction of time taken and reduction of the errors incurred during the operations. Efficiency in operations has been the main achievement of DNS in the end.


Information systems have offered much problem solution in by reduction of time wastage, errors reduction in operations, cut of costs, made betterment of customer services and reduction in waste of income.

The information systems cannot solve the problems that are industry specific and usually affect many other firms.

Chapter 13


Calanase is operating in a highly competitive environment with competitors like Methanax, BASF and many companies in chemical production. The Celanese company has focused in  price cuts, competitive positioning  by offering good services, timely delivery and support, good technology and personnel support hence killing the rivalry in the market.


The company has a centralized information system that puts together the production and manufacturing processes and control of human resources and accounts. The major benefits of this system are to save costs hence increasing profits that are the perfect strategy of the firm.

The advantages are in line with the overall business value of a company (high productivity).


First problem was to incorporate working modules into a single system. Most staff members wouldn’t fulfill the company`s responsibilities and customers` requirements. The Problem of cultural issues in USA and German also faced the company. Problem of which system should be incorporated first to provide excellent result and the implementation team was not trusted.

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The most difficult problem was to making part of the staff understand that they were to lose their jobs due to the emerging system and what were to be the motivation of the new work force.


Staff was trained about how the system works system to enable them be familiar with the new system`s operation. Decentralizing was done to the system to be accepted by all. Celanese agreed that the smallest locality should integrate first hence solving the problem of where to start. The Celanese Company allocated experts for every step of integration hence achieving the needed results.

Chapter 14


Cigna Corporation is a health insurance company that has the role of managing health schemes for different cooperates. The company has many competitors but has kept them out by making sure it has 24 hours customers care, excellent services and products. The company has reduced its costs but having good systems in place and hence increasing its profit margins. Cigna`s vision is improving people`s health, well-being, a sense of security while improving the affordability of health care service. The strategy of the company is to reduce cost and make better the services provided to the clients.

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The information system introduced by Cigna was to help reduce operational expenses while making better services delivered to its clients hence achieving the business strategy of the company. The systems main objective was to integrate processing, conscription and company`s eligibility to ensure more income is generated, and many more customers are attracted to the company.


Cigna faced problems because of mishandling price allocation to its products, competition, bad risk management in its reinsurance process and bad management of information technology alterations.


In trying to implement the new system, Cigna faced competition from other firms leading to exit of displeased clients. The stocks of plunged by 40% and the company experienced a loss. Another problem during the changeover was there were much more costs than expected and much of the economic gains were yet to be realized; the implementation of the new system caused a shortfall in services hence fewer sales. Cigna did not take time in testing the new infrastructure; it only rushed to its implementation and elimination of the people who played a big role in the company.

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The risks involved in the modernization include poor action, lack of expertise during the implementation, hurriedly changeover without consulting.

New infrastructure need well planned testing, knowledgeable project management team and uniform governance should be applied during the integration process


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