Free «Quartier International de Montre’al district revitalization project» Essay Sample

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals (Schwalbe, 2010). PMI project of the year award is usually awarded to the projects that mostly complete on-time and on-budget while surpassing the expectations of each of the stakeholders. The past winners of the PMI project of the year award include the quarter international de Montréal. The project was aiming to restruct a large portion of Montréal’s city centre from the ground. And the team was to complete the project within a five year timeframe.

Montreal is known for its hosting of business, tourist and international communities, which also features a large business district and the old Montréal town centre. The QIM project was to accomplish two things; restore communication between the two city sectors and revitalize an entire sector. Covering expressway, reconstructing roads and sidewalks, planting more than 500 mature trees was some of their initiatives (PMI, 2005). Like any other project the QMI had some of its own challenges. The project had to take the notorious winter weather into consideration. And again lack of support from the community was also a challenge to the project. By applying standard project management practices QIM confronted the challenges and executed the project.



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The projects urban location had to remain open for business while the project was underway. The management practices made that possible in several ways, which helped accommodate unforeseen changes. Another way was implementing human resource management techniques to encourage quality work. This encouraged employees to seek opportunities to expand their skills and marketability. Another practice that really contributed to efficient execution of the project, was introducing a comprehensive plan to maintain effective communication. Like a mobile exhibit displayed around the quarter. The project team also took some measures to curb risks associated with the project. Such as an exploratory dig, this brought about large risk to the project (PMI, 2005).

The results were promising so much that the public and private partners almost completely realized their investment returns. By summer there was a survey conducted by QIM and revealed satification among the users of the new space facilities. The project was cleared under budget leaving vast resources for any project improvement. With the work well done the project received 17 awards PMI project of the year award being one of them (PMI, 2005).


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