Table of Contents
- 1. The Three-Step Writing Process
- 2. Using Oral and Written Communication
- Buy Business Communication essay paper online
- 3. Importance of Proofreading Messages
- 5. Unique Challenges of Communication
- 7. Listening Process
- 8. Email Message
- 9. Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
- 10. Guidelines for Adapting to Any Business Culture
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1. The Three-Step Writing Process
The three-step writing process includes planning, writing and completing the message. The first part, which is planning, involves creating a framework for the actual business message. It includes analyzing the situation, collecting information, clarifying the purpose, determining target audience and organizing the message itself. Writing of the message focuses on accurate connection of addresser with target audience. It involves organizing ideas and choosing words that would effectively pass on the message in a clear way. The final step is completing the business message which entails reviewing the message content by examining its readability and structure in order to make it appear professional.
2. Using Oral and Written Communication
Oral communication comprises not only face-to-face communication but any other type of expressing information by word of mouth, during the process of which immediate feedback is received. Written communication, per contra, lacks instant response because either a sender or a receiver is not physically present during the process of encoding or decoding respectively. For business messages, it is advisable to use oral communication when a company is offering new products or services. When one uses the words to describe the goods or the services in an eloquent manner, it predicts higher probability not only to attract customers’ attention but also to dispel clients’ related doubts. Meanwhile, written communication is essential when there is a need to keep records for future reference. It would be beneficial when there is no necessity for personal contact with the recipient. Moreover, it would be more appropriate when an organization needs to communicate in a clear and concise manner without discrepancy or to convey urgent information.
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3. Importance of Proofreading Messages
Proofreading helps to identify and correct unnoticed mistakes within written messages, such as misuse of grammar, format or design. It improves the overall value of the message while detecting errors that arose during the production process of the message, especially, if writing procedure was conducted by numerous people. Proofreading also ensures the delivery of intended communicative information to target recipients as well as it verifies that the message correctly and effectively captures the aspired content intended by the sender.
4. Barriers to Effective Listening
Barriers to effective listening include such factors as interruptions, selective listening, memory issues, selective perception, and distractions. Interruption occurs when one asks a question or states instant reaction during the process of the other one speaking. In other words, interruption happens when a listener causes the speaker to stop the conversation during oral communication. Distraction is another barrier which causes receivers of the message to divert their attention from listening to the sender. Reasons for distraction can include observations of other activities happening in the background, presenter’s attire, receiver’s feeling of hunger, or uninteresting topics discussed by the sender. Selective listening occurs when a listener chooses to pay attention based only on actual topics that are of his or her interest. Selective perception occurs when a listener has a preconceived opinion on the subject or the presenter. Memory issues can make one to forget information easily without even realizing it.
5. Unique Challenges of Communication
Diversity is considered to be a challenge of communication since every person has unique characteristics that affect how they view the world in general. Different points of view may cause the receiver of communication process to interpret the information given in the message in a way other than the sender expected or intended. Technology also presents a unique challenge of communication, because when the information is not performed face-to-face, there is absence of non-verbal communication. Moreover, business groups may communicate through teleconferences or web conferences, during the process of which another challenges occur, such as time differences or some technical problems, hence, interfering with effective communication. Furthermore, there is also a challenge of limited budget since developing advantageous communication network requires an investment in communication tools and systems. For that reason, companies with limited budgetary allocation encounter difficulty to compete with other ones who can afford sophisticated means of communication with customers and employees. Therefore, they deliver their messages to their audiences in more economical ways. In addition, distance poses another challenge to bigger companies who operate their business globally. Lack of communication itself is a challenge as well. For instance, when employees do not communicate with management representatives, small issues can quickly increase into overwhelming misunderstandings basically because personnel of the company is not aware of state of affairs.
6. Communication Challenges during Transitioning from Academic to Corporate Environment
A new graduate joining a corporate world might face various communication-related challenges. Among them are such aspects as language experience, distractions, new unfamiliar communication tools, and diverse workforce. Language experience can be a challenge especially for a graduate from another region, who is not competent in destination country’s language and culture. Distractions might occur because the graduate still remains new to the premises and people around him, resulting in disturbance and lack of concentration. New communication tools become a challenge when one does not know how to use them properly. Diverse workforce is another factor that may take some time to accommodate to, especially if a graduate comes from least ethnically diverse community and, therefore, is not aware how to communicate effectively with representatives of heterogeneous society.
7. Listening Process
The listening process involves hearing, paying attention, and understanding, remembering, evaluating and responding. Hearing results from sound waves that stimulate the sensory receptors of the ear organ. One must hear to be able to listen; however, there is need to listen carefully in order to be able to hear. Attention process is the selective perception of provided information. Therefore, there is a need to pay attention for the listening to be effective. During the understanding process, the listener ought to understand the intended meaning of the message and the circumstances assumed by the sender. Remembering process is about receiving and interpreting the message as well as storing it in one’s memory. Evaluating process is a stage whereby active listeners participate fully throughout it by weighing evidences, identifying facts from opinions and detecting biases presented in the business message. Responding process requires the listener to complete or continue communication by providing verbal or nonverbal feedback. Owing to the feedback, the sender will be able to rate the degree of success in passing on the business message.
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8. Email Message
It is necessary for the business message to be written in appropriate style. In this case, formal style of writing is preferred since the relationships between the boss and new employees are considered to be impersonal. Therefore, the following message would be suitable for an email addressed to the new employees from Hong Kong:
“I am honored to welcome you to a company branch in the United States. I am looking forward to meet every one of you in person. Above all, I am pleased to have the opportunity to get acquainted with all of you and will make every effort to ensure your stay in America is comfortable.”
The edited message is audience-centered as it welcomes transferring employees to American company branch located in the U.S.
9. Importance of Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is important because it is considered relevant to technological advancement. Non-verbal signals, when properly presented, may increase trust, interest and clarity of the message. They may also reinforce what is said and complement verbal messages.
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The major categories of non-verbal expression are sign language, gestures, posture, object language, touching behavior, space, and time communication. Sign language is a form of oral speech where gestures replace words, numbers, and punctuation. Gesture and posture encompass all gesticulations, facial expressions, movements and positions of the body that are not used separately to substitute words. Object language is a display of physical things like art objects. The touching behavior, in its turn, involves a tendency to perform movements that express internal states of a person, with the help of which the sender can identify the overall attitude of the receiver towards a message.
10. Guidelines for Adapting to Any Business Culture
To adapt to any business culture, one should not ignore the Golden Rule and treat others with respect. Moreover, it is important to be aware of his or her biases, practice patience and develop a sense of humor, as well as to exercise tolerance, respect, and flexibility. Biasness can result from false prejudices or perceptions which may not even be applicable to other cultures. For example, the Golden Rule in one culture may not be practiced in another one. Therefore, such aspects as patience and sense of humor are necessary in adaptation as they allow one to learn and adjust to other culture with ease. Tolerance, respect, and flexibility, in their turn, enable one to accept any business cultures and modify oneself to fit the principles of business environment effectively.