Free «Marketing Action and Integration Plan» Essay Sample

Marketing Action

The marketing plan introduced in a pharmaceutical company will not differ significantly from those in other spheres of business. Marketing mix will consist of the same five elements: personal selling, public relations, advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing. Each of them will integrate traditional elements with modern technologies and online techniques instead of creating new elements of a promotional mix. This short research states only a limited number of promotional mix technologies, while there are much more and the new ones are constantly developing.

In advertising, online ads are becoming more and more popular. Thus, along with using traditional media, such as TV and print, the company should also focus on online advertisement. It is especially true when targeting younger audiences. Modern youth under 30 spends most of the time online; hence, with products for this audience, the company should create interesting and attractive advertisements for youth. The placement is important as well since on social networks, such as Facebook and Youtube, more people will see the advertisements, if compared with ordinary websites (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Personal selling still emphasizes the word personal. In this way, huge part of it is off-line communication, such as meetings with specialists or presentations by company employees. However, at the same time, with the growing possibilities of contemporary technologies, personal selling is turning into online one. For example, while visiting the company’s website people have a possibility to talk online to professional and ask questions (Drossos, Fouskas, Kokkinaki & Papakyriakopoulos, 2010). Modern day Public Relations do not exist without online element. The representation of a company on the web is almost as important as its off-line activities. Therefore, while organizing meetings and events and promoting the company in other ways, one should remember about the firm’s website and social network pages. All of them have to look modern and be up-to-date on the regular basis. To illustrate, direct marketing mailing is the main form of communication with individual customers. With the common tendency of electronic mail replacing the ordinary one, modern technologies enter marketing mix in line with direct marketing (Drossos et al., 2010). The greatest danger in this case is that emails are frequently perceived as spam and filtered with special engines. Therefore, while developing a direct marketing campaign, it is essential to keep this factor in mind. Although some of the sales promotion techniques, such as free product samples, are components of the traditional promotional mix, others can be done online. For example, online offers and giveaways stimulate sales and attract much more customers if they are posted on social networks. Search engine marketing can be also seen as an element of online sales promotion of a company.



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Integration of the Plan

The healthcare marketing is most probably the sphere with the great amount of possible ethical conflicts (Sargeant, 1999). The most important one is, of course, the proper prioritizing of actions. It means that in the process of product marketing the company should never value its profits more than the health of its customers. Hence, trying to win business from competitors, it is essential to remember that in this process the health of people is still more important than company’s success. Another ethical issue faced in healthcare marketing is the balance between advertisement and truth about a product (Hammond & Jurkus, 1994). While advertisements tend to over-emphasize the advantages of goods and promote their uniqueness, in healthcare it is significant to sell the product as it is (or at least very close to the truth), as the consequences of false advertising can have a dramatic influence on one’s health. All in all, healthcare marketing is more sensitive to ethical issues than other spheres.


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