Free «Primary Research Matrix» Essay Sample




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Bowers, Simpson & Whittington

Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology


Protected Engagement Time (PET) study

Single ward with approximately 120 inpatients

Morale is high on acute inpatient psychiatry

Quality and quantity of patient-staff interaction increased

PET is essential for inpatients with mental problems

All the psychiatry doctors should practice PET with the inpatients

Cleary, M.

Int. Journal of Mental Health Nursing


Attitude of psychiatric nurses toward consumer and career participation

30 nurses

The themes clarified were systemic barriers and education, that help in making some constructive inroads

The systematic education is very important for the psychiatric nurses to change their attitudes towards patients

Systematic education should be issued to all psychiatric nurses to influence their attitudes towards consumers

The systematic barriers between consumers and nurses must be done with

Jansson, J. & Eklund, M

Nordic Journal of Psychiatry


Stability observed in ward atmosphere over time, diagnosis and gender for patients

Atmosphere measured five times in 2 years time



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Atmosphere was fairly stable and met recommendations of inpatients

Patients were comfortable with the health center’s atmosphere

Favorable temperature helps the patients to be comfortable and recover quickly

All hospitals need to make sure the atmosphere of the environment is suitable for patients and staff

Nakakis, K. & Ouzouni, C

Health Science Journal


Survey of safety and health at work

Survey done on 20 different organizations in Europe

Work-related injuries and diseases are very high in many organizations

The need to take good care of the staff in any organization

Staff safety at work is essential

Poor staff health, poor performance

Nesser, M., Rossberg, J., Almvik, R., & Friis, S.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science


Staff training research

200 staff trained and their performance determined

Work well done by trained staff than the unskilled staff members

Training is essential especially in health related issues

Nurses should not be recruited if not qualified to be nurses

Health centers need to be recruiting trained personnel and not unskilled people

Rossberg, J., & Friis, S.

Psychiatric Services Journal


Patients’ and staff perception of the psychiatric ward environment

640 staff members and 420 patients of a single ward

Staff members had majorly higher scores than the patients on 9/11 WAS subscales

Suggestion box in health centers is importance and must be considered and respected

Ward atmosphere seems to be more crucial for patient contentment than for staff contentment

Suggestions of the staff need to be taken in order to set the environment suitable to them that they may satisfy the patients

Rossberg, J., Melle, I., Opjordsmoen, S., & Friis, S.

International Journal of Social Psychiatry


Importance of ward atmosphere on inpatients treatment

Charts of all patients with DSM-III-R schizophrenia diagnosis

Patients observed with important shorter stays with no lessening in either level of functioning at liberation

Ward atmosphere conditions determines the recovery of inpatients

The outcome sustained the hypothesis that the firms wards influence short-term outcome of inpatient with schizophrenia

The ward atmosphere should be set suitable for the inpatients in order to help them get well or survive

Samuelsson, M., Gustavsson, J., Petterson, I., Arnetz, B., & Asberg, M.

Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology


Suicidal feelings and work environment on psychiatric nursing personnel Studied using questionnaire

Questionnaire with 190 questions sent to 242 nurses

negative work environment is associated with burn out/depression, which in turn is related to suicidality

The four factors that were extracted and labeled include negative work environment, suicidality, quality of work and burn out/depression

The working environment must be positive to both staff and consumers/clients

Suicidal feelings are associated with depression brought about by negative working environment. Thus, the working environment has to be suitable for both staff members and patients

Tuvesson, H., Wann-Hansson, C., & Eklund, M.

BMC Nursing Journal,


Importance of the ward atmosphere in psychosocial work

93 nursing stuff

No difference in response from nurses and nurse assistants concerning atmospheric conditions at work

Conditioned atmospheric conditions are favorable for the nurses

Atmosphere in mental health centers determines the performance of nurses

Both patients and nurses require favorable atmospheric conditions

Ward, M., & Cowman, S.

Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing


Medical research: job satisfaction in psychiatry nursing

800 psychiatric nurses working in different defined heath service centers

Organizational change for nurses from institutional to community care

major organizational change with a move from institutional to community care

Value of facilitating with choices in their working environment is good for their performance in mental health centers

Job satisfaction is influenced mainly by choice of work location and work routine


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