The mass media are a combination of all those media technologies that are intended to reach a large number of people with the aim of passing significant information. In the current American politics, the media play a significant role in ensuring that democracy is upheld all over the country. It is worth noting that the media sets the ground for proper decision-making among the current American electorate hence ensuring they choose transformational leaders who would address the needs of the country. Currently, the media educate the American electorate on matters relating to politics, it organizes debates for aspirants hence enabling the electorate to weigh them; it delivers impartial political information to the public, and organizes open forums for individuals to articulate their views concerning politics. The media have allowed for mass promotion of democracy in the United States of America.
This essay explicates the significant roles of the media in the current American politics and its promotion of mass-based participatory democracy.
Firstly, the media educate the electorate on matters relating to politics in the United States of America. The media play an instrumental role in ensuring that individuals understand the current political landscape and the significance of exercising their democratic right of voting. It teaches individuals about the significance of participating in elections as an American citizen. More so, the media educate individuals on the importance of voting in leaders with strong manifestos without putting into consideration racial stereotypes. This is vital in promoting tolerance and accommodativeness among the American electorate (Patterson 76). Notably, education gained through the media enables the electorate to make informed decisions when choosing their leaders. The media also highlights the significance of democracy within the country hence promoting democratic thinking toward politics in the US.
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Secondly, the media organizes debates for presidential aspirants in the United States of America. The media have been instrumental in giving presidential aspirants a chance to debate on significant matters relating to the development of the country. All candidates are given equal opportunities to present their views pertaining to the manner they would be handling different situations and matters within the United States of America. These debates are always aired live for the American electorate to understand what their preferred candidates stand for. Debates present a chance for the electorate to make informed decisions by weighing the principles and political ideologies that aspirants stand for. The debates organized by the media promote democracy by ensuring that all presidential aspirants have equal opportunities to present their ideologies to the public through logical arguments.
Thirdly, the media provide impartial political information to the public hence boosting understandability among individuals. It is worth noting that the media passes significant information pertaining to the current political landscape to the public. This is always done with a high level of impartiality and is always in the form of news. News is power, and it enables people understand events that are unfolding on the political scene. Impartial information presents individuals the opportunity to understand their candidates well as they engage in campaigns. It also presents a true picture of the candidates as they continue with their campaigns in the country. The impartial information presented by the media also facilitates proper decision-making among American citizens as it reinforces democracy.
Lastly, the media give the public the opportunity to present their views and comments on political matters. The media give American citizens the opportunity to comment on political matters as they deem. More so, they have the opportunity to assert their political views freely all over the media without any victimization. The views presented, and the comments that are made by citizens through the media enables leaders understand what requires to be done in line with the needs of individuals in the country. People present different opinions relating to their political affiliations hence ensuring democracy is upheld within the country (Patterson 170). These ideas have been vital in transforming the current political scene in America as leaders try to respond to the emerging needs of citizens. The views and comments made by citizens have to uphold democracy and not reflect racial or gender discrimination in order for them to be accommodated.
I think that the role of organizing debates for presidential candidates and giving individuals to present views and comments on political matters are the most crucial to protecting democracy. Democracy is about individuals being given the opportunity to assert their wishes and dreams about the country in a logical and acceptable manner. I believe that these roles are the most crucial to protecting democracy because they ensure that people can talk about politics in a free manner. Candidates also get the opportunity to discuss matters pertaining to their dreams about the country in a logical manner hence upholding democracy. Therefore, these roles are significant in protecting democracy because of the free manner in which individuals express themselves within the United States of America.
I think the media encourages mass-based participatory democracy in the country. The media encourages mass-based participatory democracy because it gives all individuals the opportunity to express their views concerning politics in a free manner. The media encourages mass-based participatory democracy by organizing open forums for the public and ensuring that they ask significant questions relating to the governorship of the country. It encourages this by accommodating and presenting the comments made by citizens in the United States of America. More so, I think the media encourages mass-based participatory democracy through its continued education to the masses (Patterson 407). It aims at ensuring that all individuals get the opportunity to access vital information relating to the significance of democracy and fair elections in the country. It encourages mass-based participatory democracy by ensuring that individuals benefit from civic education and understand the entire concept of democracy in their lives. The media encourages all individuals to understand democracy and its significant contributions to the building of the country. Additionally, I think the media encourages mass-based participatory democracy by presenting equal opportunities for individuals from each political party within the country. All the relevant news relating to the key political parties such as the Democrats and the Republicans is passed onto the masses, and people have the opportunity to comment on the matter. These roles boost the position of the media on its encouragement of mass-based participatory democracy in the US.
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In conclusion, the mass media play a significant role in the current American political scene. Most individuals in America rely on the media heavily as they seek significant information concerning the political landscape of the country. The media has been focused on promoting democracy in the United States of America by ensuring impartial information is passed on to citizens, presidential aspirants get the opportunity to debate on important matters, citizens present their views and comments concerning politics, and educating masses on different issues relating to politics. The media has been one of the key agents of change in the current American politics because of its emphasis on a democratic political process. The media has also encouraged mass-based participatory democracy by ensuring individuals access equal opportunities when it comes to making comments about the politics of the country. Therefore, the media remains an instrumental force in promoting democracy in the United States of America by emphasizing it and presenting equal opportunities for individuals.