Free «The Participation in Xxx’s Doctor Program» Essay Sample

Xxx’s Doctor of Pharmacy degree program is one of the programs which every health professional should not hesitate to undertake. This is based on the fact that the program fuels the development of the health professionals in the field. The vision and the learning system applied in the system are geared towards the improvement of the skills of the learners.

The College of The Pharmacy and Health Sciences is led by certain set of core values. One of the core values of the school is innovation. Innovation is one of the most important attributes that helps in the development of the heath professionals. This value is applied with the help of intensified research. The college offers opportunity to the learners to conduct research on different areas of the study. Through this process, the program assists me to gain knowledge on application of different concepts that are necessary for a health professional.

Another core value that is emphasized by the school is caring. The main duty of a healthcare professional is to care for the sick. This core value will therefore help me in execution of my duties as a healthcare professional at a greater extent. I will gain those caring aspects required for the healthcare professional thereby improving my competence.



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The Xxx’s University has a well developed block schedule system. This system allows me to take few classes in a long duration of time. The system also ensures that every topic is given enough time to practice and analyze what has been learnt. In the process, I will be able to capture every concept making me a competent health care professional. The process will also reduce time wastage because there will be no frequent shifting from one class to another. I could then use the spared time to learn more things that will help me in improving my skills. Through the system of block scheduling, I will be able to acquire time saving skills. Time is a very important but scarce factor in every profession. By acquiring these skills, I will be able to perform my duties exhaustively in order to maximize the utility derived by the patients from my services.

Another benefit of studying Xxx’s University is that the students’ affairs office assists the students in getting internships and employment. This is by putting electronic notice boards on all strategic places which informs the students about the available positions. This helps the students in gaining the necessary work experience hence fostering their career development.

Xxx’s University has been ranked top ten in the South as the most comprehensive universities in U.S. News & World Report’s. It has also been ranked number 8 in the South as the Best Regional Universities. This provides a good reputation which may help me to secure a very competitive job in the leading health institutions. In these institutions, I will be able to interact with highly experienced staff that will assist me in building my career as a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, the above discussion has clearly indicated the benefits of participation in the Xxx’s Doctor of Pharmacy degree program. The program is designed in a way such that the students would gain maximum benefits from it. It is therefore advisable for all students who are wishing to pursue a career as healthcare professionals to choose this school.


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