Table of Contents
The purpose of this project is to examine the evolution of women at the work places. This project seeks to show the changes that occurred over the years as women were barred from taking up certain careers and the factors that led to the lifting of the ban. Women’s family life is also related with their participation in work as family seems to be one issue that influences the women’s working trends. The project also establishes the importance of women in work places and the roles that they play which makes them to be valued. The project identifies the various works women engage in and shows proofs that some jobs which were initially known to be a preserve for men only, have now been taken over by the women. The challenge faced by women at work places is also examined by this project. Women are believed to be a vulnerable gender in various fields of work as they are usually faced by many challenges ranging from psychological to physical. Psychological challenges they face is examined in relation to the work environment and also in relation to the male counterparts at work. This also applies to the physical challenges the women face.
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This project surveys the leisure activities women engage in and the patterns they engage in such activities. The meaning of leisure is tried to be defined in relation to women and a comparison is made amongst the women in the contemporary society, those in life development stages such as marriages and their psycho-social issues. An important aspect examined here also is how the married women manage to balance between the family and their recreational activity. Finally, the project aims at illustrating the benefits the women who work and participate in recreational activities have over those who rarely engage in an extra-curricular activity. These benefits were not just arrived at without any research and the questions used in the conduction of the research are also shown. The project ends by giving tips to women on how to keep themselves healthy both physically and psychologically and avoid stress as it reduces their work output.
History of Women at the Work Place
According to history, the women were viewed as been the vulnerable sex that needs protection from the dangers of the ulterior world. This is so because employers were not willing to employ women who were married due to the stereotypes held about them. Research reveals that 40% of single women were employed in 1900 as compared to the 5% of married women. This trend proceeded for a long period as women had to choose between family and career. Consequently, women had to forsake some careers in favor of their families due to the bans instilled on them (Holloway, 2005).
However, this bans did not last for long because of the shortage of civilian male labor which was needed during WWII. This paved way for women to become recruited for “heavy duty” which initially was believed to be a preserve of men. The WWII also led to the re-employment of women in the teaching career since some of the men in the occupation had to join the armed services. At the end of the WWII, women had to relinquish their positions in factories as the soldiers were returning and would need the work. Pregnant women still faced the challenge of losing their jobs as it was believed that they had the responsibility of taking care and nurturing their babies. In the 1970s though, the myth and law surrounding pregnant women was scrapped away as the economies were deteriorating and therefore the need for labor to improve them (Holloway, 2005). Other external factors also contributed to the scrapping of this law. By the year 2000, the gap between the married women in work and the single women dropped significantly from the initial 35% to a paltry 5% (Freedman, 2010).
Currently, it is established that activities outside the home comprise of a large proportion of women’s life. There is a noticeable increase in women’s participation in labor force which is attributed to the fact that men have increased their participation in home related work. Women are much sought in the fields of clerical jobs, nursing and teaching as men decline the jobs due to their low paying nature and the little chance for advancement available. Women salaries though, increased with their education as many sought to pursue higher education which increased their earnings (Freedman, 2010).