Free «AAA- Academy – Business Pitch» Essay Sample


The aim of AAA –Academy is to educate market demand courses easier and provide quality education at reasonable fees.

High Level Description

AAA Academy is a company that offers multiple courses under one platform. The company is specialized in giving accredited market demand courses and certifications through which individuals are identified as highly qualified professionals among others. AAA provides efficient coaching by means of excellent focus on each course and each individual. Each and every course will have their own custom designed contents with a vast set of practice exercises. Anyone who enrolls for the courses can choose from one to one training or group training or intensive seminars and workshops. AAA also provides special emphasis on a coach encouraging learner independence. On top of all this, all the courses are taught in English.

Essence of your approach

AAA aims to provide quality education to all applicants so as to improve their life. In order to achieve this goal, AAA took the approach of choosing teachers carefully. By keeping this in mind, the faculties are chosen after a careful round of interviews with them. Best among the Best of teachers in their particular field have been chosen carefully to provide quality education to all the students. Also, all the faculties are chosen from English Speaking Countries like United States and United Kingdom.  Each one of the faculty has vast experience in their own fields and top notch experts who has excellent command over each course. When choosing for English Language Courses, participants are taught both written and verbal language. This helps them to understand the best picture of the language. AAA designs specific plan for each student thus helping them to understand the concepts thoroughly. Students are given both hands on session, class room session, socially relevant and highly practical sessions to engage them in a great manner in the course.



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Course and Employee Structure

AAA provides three types of courses. All these courses will be provided on slow, medium and fast track learning. Student can opt for the track and enroll themselves on a range of educational programs given below.

English Language Courses - With this course, one can opt for Basic, Intermediate and Advanced level courses in English.

Computer Courses – This course covers Computer Science, IT Network and Photoshop courses. This course helps participants to get a good rapport with IT technology.

Business Courses – The course covers Management, Finance, Human Resource and Marketing.

AAA will have five faculties for each of the three courses and Faculties will be working in Shifts. Hence the academy will have 15 faculties. The academy will also have an administrator and a financier. Students can opt for their convenient timings based on the timings given to them. All the class room sessions will be 2 hours and lab sessions will be 2 hours. Every Alternate days, students will have lab sessions for practicing the exercises.

Fees Structure

AAA provides flexible installment fees structure through which students can pay their fees in installment basis. The installment period may vary based on the courses chosen. AAA accepts all types of payments like fees, salary, building rent etc., in either GBP or SAR.


When AAA is implemented, initially the expenditure could cost us for the Advance payment for the building, computer cost; Furniture’s cost, Academic Registration cost etc., all these could be summed up to 50,000 GBP. Hence the initial investment should be at least 50,000 GBP. Other than this, there are also monthly expenses which cover the financial factors such as rent, resource cost, operating expenses, and marketing expenses. All these would cost AAA at least 10,000 GBP. Altogether for a year, the academy has to spend at least 170,000 GBP.


This business is viable in South of Jeddah as the city has only few training academies and the infrastructure provided by those academies are not up to the standards. Hence if this business is implemented in the city, the business can grow to a larger extent.

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AAA is located in Saudi Arabia – in the south of Jeddah. AAA Company has four floors. In each of the four floors, there are two apartments with six classrooms each. All the class rooms have a projector with which faculties can display contents from their Laptop and teach students. Each Class room can accommodate at least 15 students at a time. Hence the academy can accommodate more than 100 students at a time. AAA will have 10 computers in the Computer lab. AAA building has lab rooms as well for participants to practice.

Impact of Proposal if implemented

In Jeddah there are not much companies offering variety of courses.  Hence if this proposal is implemented, students can join in the academy and enroll themselves for various courses and learn various courses at one single platform. If it is successful, the academy will introduce more courses to the students.


In order to survive in this competitive world, education is important. Especially people need to have knowledge in English for communication and presentation purposes, Computer operating and management knowledge to manage any tasks/decision or any given work.

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AAA specializes in giving quality education in all these three subjects in order to fulfill one’s need to sure in the competitive world. AAA will be a one stop shop for all leading courses in the industry these days. AAA is a prominent coaching center that is located at the south of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It provides Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Courses with world class leading experts in the field. All the staffs are highly proficient and to make participants understand the concepts, they explain things with real time examples. AAA also provides Slow, Medium and fast pace learning. Individuals can opt for any of the paces, but if AAA found if a particular pace is not suitable for the student, it will advise student to change their pace. AAA also provides regular feedback on student’s performance in the academy through which students can improvise themselves. Anyone can enroll for these courses in AAA.

Join AAA and travel in a pathway for your great carrier! Happy Learning!


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