Health is always impacted by the lifestyle we live. The modern lives we live do not give us enough time to take care of our bodies. People are not putting any effort in checking on their health and instead they are involved in activities that only spend their money to look good. Nowadays women have been claiming to lack enough time for exercises, and yet they spend hours in salons plaiting their hair and decorating their nails and other things. They modify their outer beauty more than the inner beauty which is the proper health. The society has been dying of health related diseases, and yet they are controllable. Some of the illnesses Caused by improper health have no cure, and they only need a proper, controlled lifestyle.Proper nutritionA healthy lifestyle includes taking healthy and balanced diets regularly if not every day. Having healthy diets does not mean that one must change the eating pattern, but instead improve the content of our diets with more nutritious meals like fruits and vegetables. Nutritionist recommend that the more the food is in its natural state, the healthier it is and the more it has sufficient nutrients. This is the reason we are asked to take fresh fruits and vegetables that can be freshly eaten in order to live a healthy life. The body is like an engine, the frequent the engine is serviced the longer it will last and perform tasks effectively. The same is needed for the body, the more the body is having healthy diets the more one will live longer without illnesses. People have been thinking that the stronger one is the healthier he or she is (Hills 84). This is not the case; one can be muscular due to regular exercise, maybe trying to control illnesses such as obesity. The health condition of one is determined by the lifestyle one lives, and how frequent one is ill.
It has been proved that people who control their diets by having healthy meals are not likely to have frequent illnesses. This is because the defense of the body is strengthened by healthy and nutritious diets. For the body to function properly there are a couple of nutrients required and lack of these nutrients causes health illnesses or disorders. Diseases like diabetes, anemia, scurvy and obesity are caused by insufficient nutrient in the body especially in the bloodstream. Although obesity is hereditary, it is also impacted by poor diet and lack of exercise. Nowadays, most of the women prefer buying chemicals that decorate their skin and hair, instead of buying fruits that will retain their outer and inner beauty naturally. Unlike chemicals, fruits and vegetables have no side effects and require no much attention after eating.One is supposed to take 2 litres of water and at least two nutritious meals daily. A healthy meal consists of carbohydrates, proteins, and fruits. These contain all nutrients that are needed in the body. One should try as much as possible to avoid juicy drinks and sugary snacks. Plain water can sometimes become a bit boring, and when this occurs, one should try soft drink with low levels of sugar or juice made from fruits. When one is in need of taking snacks, the recommended ones are the ones made from cereal and do not contain high levels of chemicals used in manufacturing companies. This is one way of sacrificing in order to maintain a healthy body. Some products containing too many fats should be avoided, and should be replaced by others that contain lower levels of fats. For example, skim milk is recommended instead of whole milk since much fat is not needed because it is contained in carbohydrates and also proteins.
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This is one of the common ignored practices in a healthy lifestyle. To maintain a healthy lifestyle one is supposed to know the basics of exercises and how often one should practice. For instance, one needs to know the moves used to develop the chest, the ones meant to reduce the size of the belly, and the ones to build muscles. This will help in avoiding losing too much energy, without attaining the goals set. The best way is to hire a coach or practice using taped movies rather than just trying to lose fat by exercises that only makes one to sweat (El-Baz 72).Exercises are the best practice recommended for controlling obesity and other body weight problems. The daily foods we eat contain fats and the best way of burning the excess fats that bring about overweight especially in ladies. This is also a way of building strong bodies and increasing the basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is the amount of energy that one burns or loses while resting. It is easier for one to know the exercises to practice after having a BMR analysis in order to know the amount of energy that is lost within a minute. Exercise alone without proper and enough food one is likely to emaciate causing health illnesses. The tougher the exercises that one takes, the more the food one should take, in order to balance the energy gained and the one lost (Kremer 37).It is proven by scientists that regular exercises promote good moods especially in women who are known for poor and low moods. After exercises, the fat in the body is usually released and the body is relaxed, this happens to the mind. In addition to this, regular exercise reduces stress and one is able to see the positive image of one's body. This also helps in building self confidence especially to people who do not believe in them selves and think that they are not capable. It is also proven that one way of preventing and controlling depression is through exercising. Apart from too much thinking, depression is also caused by accumulation of dangerous hormones and fats in the body (Richardson 102). This are only extracted through regular exercises in order to relieve the body from excessive substances in the body.People have been ignoring exercises in their lives as one of the ways of a healthy life because it needs a lot of sacrifice and it not easy to get used to practice. The best way of ensuring regular exercises is to motivate one's spirit, by looking at the positive impacts of it. It may a bit tiresome, but to achieve this one must set certain goals through exercises. The numbers of exercises one need a day or a week is determined by the goal one want to achieve from the practice. Men are known to like muscular bodies and as for ladies it is fit bodies and reducing weight. In most cases, people who are having weight problems are recommended to at least have two exercise sessions daily, and for the body builder, it depends with the size and strength one needs to develop (Chappuis 95).
Body mass index (BMI) is among the methods used to determine ones strength by measuring the weight and the height of a person. BMI is said to have a negative effect toward stress especially in black women. Gain and lose of weight in black people has been a crucial issue because in most cases, the results of the BMI are unexpected. The disappointment brought about by the result of the BMI test is one of the contributions to stress.Stress managementStress is a condition whereby one is mentally disturbed by the negative effects in ones life. The best way to handle stress since they can not be avoided is to improve the lifestyle by implementing new strategies in dealing our activities in our daily routine. The anxiety brought about by stress triggers hormonal reactions in the body, creating a condition in the brain. Although exercise is one of the ways of reliving stress, there are many other ways. These are; setting realistic goals that can be achieved, having a plan for the future programs and projects to avoid unexpected complications, involving in entertaining activities to create motivation and finally having a proper, healthy diet (Bryan 14). Different people have different methods of controlling stress. These are like; singing, running, swimming or even watching a movie. These are passive and active leisure, and meant to relax the mind. This is also one way of exercising the body and releasing the excess fat stored.Living a healthy lifestyle is not only a comfortable way of living but also reduces expenses in our daily lives. Eating balanced diets and exercising regularly is one way, of improving the health as well as maintaining a fit looking body. It is said preventing is better than cure, and that is exactly what a healthy lifestyle does. Healthy lifestyle is a way of saving the money used for catering for medical bills every now and then and also saves the time spent in seeking medical advice. People from all over the world have been suffering from health illnesses and still they are acutely easily prevented. One scientist in New York said that it is not too late to take the appropriate measures in improving a lifestyle positively.