Free «How the Brain Remembers and Behaviorism» Essay Sample

Behaviorismis an approach topsychologythat puts together elements of methodology, theory and philosophy. The key principle of behaviorism, as articulated by B. F. Skinner (1984), John B. Watson,and others, is that psychology ought to concern itself with the apparent behavior of human beings and animals, not with invisible events that occur in their minds. Behaviorism is a speculation of human and animal learning that focuses on discounts of psychological activities and on independently noticeable behaviors. Behavior theorists describe learning as the acquirement of new behavior. A person selects one reaction as a substitute of another since psychological drives and prior conditioning obtainable at the time of the action (Parkay & Hass, 2000).

As a learner, I have realized that learnerning process accumulate and salvage information that is used later on, creating a knowledge and associations set helpful for living. I use the information dispensation strategy in order to assimilate and transfer new information. I have realized that learning is indeed a continuous process that leads to new behaviors. While learning, I passed through several stages where I learnt several new things in each stage. As I progressed to higher level in my education, my behavior changed so as to satisfy the needs that I had learned to value. Behaviorism is greatly connected with classic conditioning, whichtakes place when a natural reflex acts in response to a stimulus. The most famous instance is Pavlov's remark that dogs drool when they eat or just see food.



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In my individual teaching experience, I have established that a behavior that stands unrewarded will be quenched. Constantly disregarding an unwanted behavior will go beyond toward getting rid of it. When an educator does not react angrily, the trouble is compelled back to the student who is the source. The classroom strategies that I have found to be thriving are punishment, consequences, and contracts. The behaviorist learning speculation is not only significant in realizing desired behavior in conventional learning; special education educators have classroom behavior amendment tactics to apply for their students. The plans guarantee success for the learners in and out of the school.


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