Free «Humanitarian Crisis» Essay Sample


The United Nations is an international organization. The focus is to deal with the humanitarian crisis. It ranges from peace, security, food military, sovereignty, good governance and others. The UN charter is an outline of the intervention measures about the interest of the UN. Political, social and economic interventions are inevitable in most countries. It is especially to young nations with developing economies and democracy. There is a growing concern over the humanitarian crisis due to wars and poor governance in the young nations. There is need to intervene to avert the crisis. The UN interventions are on the strategy. The policy tools and targets are crucial in interventions. Most of the UN interventions are generic in nature. The interventions are necessary to avert a crisis. There is a need to prevent a conflict before it soars up. Most of the affected nations see the interventions as political. The UN is like an intruder in the aversion of the impending crisis. It is the notion of most countries in the eve of a crisis. It is unpalatable to separate politics in time of crisis.



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The military intervention is most cases very cruel. The UN sanctions military interventions when peaceful talks do fail to prevail. The military interventions come with limitations and benefits. The paper will discuss them later. It is crucial to appreciate the need for military intervention. It is common in comparative studies of military interventions verses diplomacy.

The UN permanent force deals with the prevention of conflicts. It is always alert. Prevention force is a succession factor. The UN intervention is like a third party solution to other Parties. The approaches to avert food crisis are somehow different. There is a crisis in micronutrient deficiencies.

The UN agencies deal with the legal framework to avert political and economic crisis. It calls for FDI programmes. The UNIDO is a UN organization for investment interventions. The investment regimes are crucial for economic stability in most nations. The range of policy intervention measures vary from one country to another due to individual nation’s needs. The Paper will also focus on the benefits and costs of different policy interventions. It is crucial for future policy measures and he need for further research.

The Strategic Assessment Process and its Role in a Successful Intervention:
Planning Considerations in Peacekeeping Operations

The process has eight main components. The first item involves tracking of countries transitions. There is a need to understand the source and magnitude of a conflict for durable peace purposes. The second stage is the need to set necessary goals. This involves specific policies ad strategies. The third is the assessment of national tasks and needs. This is the identification of priority sectors to focus on in resolving the crisis. It will assist to achieve the set goals. The forth is the need to select effective tools to achieve success. There is also a need of effective tool for the policy mix. The specific requirements of the different policies ought to be clear. The SWOT analysis of internal and external factors in conflict resolution is inevitable. It will bridge the gap between the policy tools and implementation factors. Next step is the determination of the determination of implementation forces and/or partners. The sixth course is setting of timely interventions. The cordial responses are the eight stages in the course. It involves coordination of international and regional responses. It will minimize the course becoming worse. The last process is the need to plan on how to move out of the strategy. This is simply planning on the disengagement course.

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A strategy is a tool to achieve some objectives after a specific period. The UN interventions are because of strategy. The process involves a wide range of aspects. It begins with the identification process of the individual needs of a nation. There is a need to tailor make the strategies to suit the specific needs of a nation crisis. The second stage is the outline of the crisis and overall implications on a nation. The third stage is comparative study of the success and failure factor in the application of the strategy. The success of a strategy depends on the ability to match the needs and implications of a crisis.

The roles of strategic assessment in successful intervention are wide. The first role is to foresee the applicability of the strategy to avert the problem. The assessment minimizes the cases of need to change the strategy severally. The other role is the need to address the UN charter requirements in averting the crisis.

We consider planning to effect peacekeeping missions. The UN emphasizes the diplomacy and homegrown solutions as the first option in case of a crisis. The option of military interventions is last resort in UN alternatives. The use of a permanent force in crisis prevention is the last resort in chronic crisis.

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Benefits and Limitations of UN Interventions

The limitations of the UN interventions vary across nations of applications. There is a problem of moral relativism in the UN policies. There is divergence of morals across nations. This makes some policies impractical in most nations. There are claims of secret plans to advance globalization approaches. They will benefit strong economies at the expense of young nations. The majority of nations observe the policies with a lot of fear. There is world debate on the need to control population of the world. The administration of the policies is also questionable. The roles of elite nations in the design of the policy are questionable with stake. There is also veto power in the membership of the UN decision-making organs. Past failure of some policies is also another limitation.

The benefits of UN interventions are also handy. It aids to avert impeding conflict. There is ultimate goal to achieve humanitarian protection and security in most interventions. The charter spells out the dos and don’ts of each policy decision. The UN is in the forefront to enhance peacekeeping in nations of the world.

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The ideological diversity of nations is a minus in UN policies. The UN focus on the need to enhance world peace. The ultimate need to enhance economic prosperity is inevitable in the UN charter. There is a wide criticism of the UN inability to handle and avert international conflicts. There is failure to solve even small-scale problems. Thus, an elite approach to solve conflicts is used. It is futile in most situations. Also, there is underrepresentation the top UN organs; this is common in the veto power nations of the UN. To conclude, the UN has vast experience to solve problems. There are small incidences of the failure factor.


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