Free «About Fabric of Madras» Essay Sample

The madras fiber is one of the richest fabrics that can be used to make clothes. It originates from India, and derives its name from an Indian city. It is usually designed in a patterned texture, where colors are mixed to bring a very bright effect. The design is plaid. Cotton threads are woven together to form the exquisite material. It is usually light to the touch, hence the reason why it is preferred for hot season clothes. Another name that can be used to refer to this fabric is the “madras checks”.

For original madras, the fabric that is used is cotton. However, some manufacturers add polyester to the fabric in order to cut on production cost. This is especially common where the fabric is offered at a lower price than the prevailing market price of about $10 a meter. The reason as to why polyester is not preferred as a component fiber to be used in the fabric is because it makes it heavier, hence not appropriate for hotter seasons such as summer. However, polyester brings with it some advantages such as making the fabric more durable and firm. Madras that contains polyester will not shrink easily and the colors will not fade as fast as they would. Nowadays it is common for madras to lose some of its color upon washing, or even shrink in size.



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Madras is one of the few fabrics that never go out of style. It also cuts across the gender and age divides. Fashion houses such as Ralph Lauren have been known to use the fabric for their men and women lines, as well as baby clothes. The fabric can also be paired with other warmer fabrics and be used to make clothes for the colder weather seasons. This fabric attracts the high end market buyers as well as the middle class, hence demand for this fabric cannot run out.


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