Free «Global warming problem» Essay Sample

Global warming is a term used to describe the rise in Earth atmosphere’s temperature. It started in the 19th century and by 20th century, the surface mean temperature of the earth increased by 0.8 degrees Celsius (Hampel and Hetzel, 85). The climate system warming is equivocal. Scientists are almost certain that warming is the primary cause of unequivocal. It increases concentrations of greenhouse gases, which is produced by various human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuel. This knowledge is shared by national science academies in all major industrialized nations. When the temperature rises up, the earth heats up. This happens when greenhouse gases, i.e., water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide trap light in the earth’s atmosphere from the sun. The effect hurts many people, plants and animals. Those that can’t handle the change end up dead. Global warming is among the biggest issues facing the world today. It has adverse effects on animals, human and agriculture. The details of global warming have been discussed in the media and politics, but there have been disagreements on its real causes. The effects are real, measurable and global. Generally, the causes are from humans and the effects are severe.



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Causes of global warming

Global warming is perceived to originate from distinct factors most of which are related to human activities. Emissions of fossil fuel’s carbon dioxide are among the causes. Technology is advancing every new day. Everything in the world is turning digital. Consequently, manufacturing has become a major focus in most industrialized nations. The addiction to electricity from power plants generates huge amounts of CO2 and releases it in the environment. It is normal to note that 40% of the United States’ CO2 emissions originate from electricity production.  Burning coal leaves 93% of emissions in the environment. This originates from the electric utility industry that burns coal. The need for electricity is demanding in today’s world. This has rendered other methods of energy production insufficient. Therefore, the dependency on fossil fuel is justified as nations try to fill the existing electricity deficiency. Electric gadgets appear in the market and since there are no widespread alternatives of energy sources, the world is highly dependent on coal burning. Electricity obtained by burning fossil fuel is used for individual and commercial purposes. This forms a high supply of carbon dioxide as well as other gasses. The gasses capture heat and form a warming effect on the earth’s surface.

The second cause perceived to enhance global warming is the carbon dioxide emissions from transportation. The count of vehicles has increased significantly over the years. It is everybody’s ambition to own a car as a convenient means of transport. Interestingly, most people in the world use their first salary to acquire a means of transport. This car culture and urge for globally sourced goods accounts for over 33% of United States’ emissions. Moreover, the population of the entire world is growing at a shocking rate. The demand for more automobiles as well as consumer goods increases the use of fossil fuel in both manufacturing and transportation. The continuing discoveries fail to mitigate the effects on consumer culture.

Deforestation is another facilitator of global warming. This has been a major challenge in the world today as the concentration of forestry continues to reduce. Trees are cut down for as sources of fuel in forms of wood and charcoal. This causes deforestation. The world has had an appetite for paper and wood products. The former forest land is used for livestock grazing. The tropical forest lands have been used for commodities such as palm oil plantations. This contributes to deforestation. Forests are instrumental in removing and storing carbon dioxide from atmosphere. This releases a lot of carbon and reduces the capture of carbon on the planet. The lack of gasses’ balance in the atmosphere affects the ozone layer causing global warming. Deforestation limits the ability to remove carbon emissions supplied to the atmosphere by fossil fuel and transportation.

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Global warming is wholesomely a human factor. Its causes are related to human activities. The growing technology is also to blame. The need to improve the people’s living standards affects the environment. However, the rate of technological development does not go together with measures to curb its effects. This leaves the environment at risk of deterioration. People tend to ignore the fact that when the environment is affected, their lives become unbearable. The burning of fossil fuel to generate electricity is a functional process. It impacts positively on the nations’ economy and well-being. The society can not do without transportation. Everything that happens in the world is facilitated by transport. Businesses depend much on transportation as goods have to move around. The promising disposable income creates a need to own a car or a means of mobility. Despite having many advantages on world’s development, the environment is greatly affected. The effects of global warming are inevitable. The gasses emitted in the atmosphere bring about global warming. Therefore, it’s vital to focus on the effects of global warming.

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Effects of global warming

As mentioned earlier in this discussion, global warming negatively affects the environment. This in turn affects the well-being of humans in terms of health. Rise in sea levels due to ice melting is one of the effects. Scientists have foreseen a global rise in sea levels. This is perceived to have resulted from meltdown of two massive ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The East coast of the United States is the most affected. Nevertheless, various nations around the world experience the consequences of increased sea levels. This leaves the people displaced. For instance, Maldives is a nation that is looking for a new home due to the rising sea levels. The people living at the sea shores risk losing life and property as the rise in sea level does send a warning. The rising sea level is mainly associated with thermal expansion. The ocean expands as the water gets warm. A widespread consensus maintains that the rising in sea level will advance for centuries to come. However, these predictions are not inclusive of all potential contributions of ice sheets.

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More killer storms have continued to be witnessed due to global warming. Thousands of people have experienced displacements in various parts of the world (NOAA, 45). The storms are severe and uncontrollable. Hurricanes and cyclones have increased being severe. Global warming increases the intensity of the storms worldwide. The speed of wind has increased significantly. Its strongest tropical cyclones have advanced since 1981. The upward trend is perceived to originate from the rising ocean temperatures. Storms have destroyed many properties and people have fled from some areas. The latest affected places are the United States and Haiti. Although professional appear to predict the occurrence of killer storms, some still occur in surprise. Killer storms are fueled by the rising sea levels. When the sea level increases, the storms become fierce. It also becomes easier for storms to destroy the land next to the sea. Hurricanes and cyclones have formed devastating paths in the world for several years now. They continue to create havoc despite the improvements realized in the technological world. The advanced technology allows people to predict and prepare for disaster before hand. However, the storms keep killing people in large numbers. Global warming is all to blame for this deadly effect.

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Global warming can be viewed as the rise in the atmosphere’s temperature (Hansen and Morgan, 7). It has advanced since the onset of 19th century. Scientists perceive that warming is the main cause of unequivocal. It triggers the level of greenhouse gases, which is produced by various human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuel. Global warming is caused by various factors most of which are related to human activities. One of the causes is the emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel. The addiction to electricity from burning of coal power plants produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide and releases it in the atmosphere. The second cause perceived to enhance global warming is the carbon dioxide emissions from transportation. Deforestation is another facilitator of global warming. This has been a major challenge in the world today as the concentration of forestry continues to reduce. Deforestation releases a lot of carbon and reduces the capture of carbon on the planet.

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Global warming affects the environment significantly. It affects the well-being of humans in terms of health. One of the effects is rise in sea levels due to ice melting, which causes rise in sea levels. More killer storms have continued to be witnessed due to global warming. Thousands of people have experienced displacements in various parts of the world. When the sea level increases, the storms become fierce. Hurricanes and cyclones have formed devastating paths in the world for several years now. They continue to create havoc despite the improvements realized in the technological world. Not unless people formulate ways to curb the above mentioned causes of global warming, the same effects will continue to be realized.


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