Free «Is Ideology Good or Bad for Society» Essay Sample

An ideology is a set of ideas that reflects the needs of the society. This also entails the aspirations of groups, individuals, class of people as well as the diverse cultures. Thus, it can be said to be a set of doctrines that plays an important role in the formation of political, economical as well as social systems. Therefore, ideology is good for any given society. According to David Minar, ideology is used by the society in various ways. These include the following: first, it is used in the collection of ideas in a given context. This is mainly in a normative content. Secondly, ideologies form an integral part in the logical structure through which ideas are set and goals achieved. Thus, ideologies play an important part in the process of integration of human social system (Antony & Louis, 254). They help in structuring a given organization. Ideas are put into use facilitating team work and accomplishment of the visions. Normally, an ideology involves a purpose and a sense of persuasion (Terence & Richard, 301). This facilitates social interaction among different social groups. However, the use of ideologies also has their disadvantages.



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For an ideology to fully benefit the society, it must have the following characteristics; it must have a certain power that makes it to be recognized by the majority, it must have the ability to guide someone during the process of evaluation of various activities and processes to be taken, it must provide a clear guidance that is to be adhered to in undertaking a given action and lastly, it must be logical and coherent. Although most scholars associate ideology with issues of utopia and myths that are historically based, they are helpful to the society.

An ideology acts as an instrument that facilitates social reproduction. According to Karl Max, it forms the economic base that acts as a superstructure of the society. This may involve several social activities such as religion, legal as well as political processes and systems. For instance, an ideology may help a society to embrace a given idea and put it into use for their own benefits. Religious ideology was the main cause of feudal mode of production. Formation of capitalism is formed on the basis of ideologies related to liberalism and social dominion. Thus, ideologies help the society to justify the cause of certain occurrences. It helps to avoid cases of societal alienation and confusion that may engulf the society (Terence & Richard Dagger, 395). Without clear ideologies, the society is bound to fail as majority of members will fall prey of false information and lack of consciousness. Thus, believes is a major determinant of the ideology to be adopted. For instance, people believe that the value of a product is inherent from a given commodity and is likely to affect the labor productivity.

Notably, the most dominant ideology is followed by the majority. For example the ruling class may adopt a given ideology in the process of governing. Thus, a given ideology may be used to represent social and economic classes. The interests of the public are also put into consideration through the use of the most domain ideology (Terence & Richard Dagger, 253). However, some ideologies bring about negative effects to those involved. In the case of working class, they may be compelled to endorse a false ideology that may hinder them from achieving their best interests. Thus, the rich may use such ideologies to exploit the poor. In such cases, the society is bound to suffer as the rich continues to become richer while the poor became poorer. This may lead to social imbalance.

Political ideologies are the most dominant. Various political parties have well developed ideologies. This ideology involves their programs as well as political actions that are likely to be taken. Normally, a political ideology comprises of principles, myths, symbols, class, institutions, and movements among others (Freed & Michael, 26). Moreover, it must have two dimensions. These are the goals to be accomplished and how the society should work for the same. The second dimension involves methods that are appropriate for arrangement and achievement of an ideal form of arrangement. Thus, people feel inspired in various ways. In addition, formation of ideologies involves groups of people. This facilitates togetherness and unity. Although different parties have varied ideologies, a common bond is created that helps in formation and integration of the societal values and needs. Political ideologies mainly focus on the allocation of power from the higher authority to the grassroots. Therefore, the nature of ideologies that are followed by a given party varied according to their needs and aspirations (Pinker & Steven, 240). Some may follow them very closely while other may form a broad group that all work together to accomplish a given ideology.

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Several ideas are collected to make an ideology. Politically, an ideology is mainly developed after the evaluation of the best ideas that are used to form the best government. For example, a government may decide to be democratic, theocratic as well as autocratic. They may also develop ideas on what is the best form of economy to be adopted for the benefit of the majority in the country (Terence & Richard Dagger, 393). Thus, they may opt for either capitalism or socialism.

In every day society, ideologies are very important. People come up with ideologies everyday. Unfortunately, most of them are not put into force. Ideas may rise from other people but adopted by a given section of the society. More often than not, people tend to have different perception about a given situation. This is mainly due to the fact that people posses diverse interest and backgrounds. Thus, people are likely to think differently (Freed & Michael, 89). Nevertheless, in such situation, a dominant ideology is developed. This is made to be neutral so as to meet the needs of both sides. Failure to this, such an ideology is likely to receive lots of criticisms. Radical ideologies are different from the dominant one are making it hard for most members of the society to accept them (Antony &Louis, 56). Although they have a well articulates ideas, people are likely to reject it due to its content. Some ideologies are vigor. Moreover, some may have negative features. Due to this attributes, it may be hard for them to be favored. For example, some may be very fundamental while others are very certitude.

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The sense of ideologies to the society is also seen with the way organization perform their activities. Political organization such as government develops ideologies with the aim of influencing the public (Pinker & Steven, 240). Manufacturers and other groups also have their own ideologies that aim at increasing their productivity and creation of positive public image. The society is also able to solve their issues and defend their status quo through the use of ideologies. People may have a common thinking about a given issue. Herman argues that societal ideologies can be harmonized. This can be achieved through restriction and filtration of information concerning economic, social as well as political events. This is so because; information from this systems through mass media makes public to have divergent views about a particular issues due to propaganda.

Some of the negative effects of ideology are that the public may be persuaded to accept certain issues without having enough knowledge about its effects. Some of the historical instances where ideologies have been negatively used include: the ideology of socialism and communism (Freed & Michael, 165). At the time, USSR adopted an economic system that led to demise of millions of people. Murders were perpetrated in the processing of enforcing the ideology. Some used it as a form of revolution without putting in mind that innocent public was suffering from their actions. Another ideology involved AIDS. This was an initiative by Red Cross about blood transfusion. They refused to accept blood donation from gay men (Pinker & Steven, 310). Due to alienation of gay community in blood donation, shortage of blood occurred. This led to the use of poisoned blood for transfusion. Several people died of the same. Racial ideologies have dominated for centuries across the world. Murder has been committed to eliminate the weaker race that is said to be dangerous to the existence of others.

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Thus, ideologies are not always beneficial to the society. They have been noted to have led to disastrous effects. However, ideologies are good to the society if designed and used for the benefit of everyone in the society. Therefore, whether the ideology is political, social or economical, their implementers should put aside their interest and aim at enlightening the entire society.

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