Free «New Evidence on Classroom Computers and Pupil Learning» Essay Sample


The entire world is a potpourri of diversified in which people belong to different demographics and mindset work together (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010). The cumulative working is important for both short and long term growth and running of a country (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010).

Analysis is one of the toughest works perform on this earth merely because of its very nature (John & Robert, 2007). The biggest thing lies in the concept of analysis is its stance of not getting the thing with a single idea. The idea of every analyst is different from the other which can be reflected in its ideas and in planning as well (John & Robert, 2007).

Analysis has many faces and inevitably, this is one of the most difficult things to perform on this earth. There are numerous kinds of analysis is there which has its own significance in real or corporate life. There are number of kinds of analysis like financial analysis, investment analysis, character analysis and story analysis. Among number of kinds of analysis, there is another kind with the name of teaching comprehension Analysis (Robert & Sheraz, 2009).



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The main perspective of this assignment is all about teaching comprehension analysis and how graphics and other things can contribute in effective teaching. There is more than important to make the grounds of the assignment, hence everything has to define accordingly, like graphic organizers, teaching effectiveness and learning effectiveness.

In general, teaching can be viewed as a relatively stable career with strong job security (OECD, 2005). This can be attractive for those in the profession and those wishing to join it, but it can also create a risk of inertia and lack of flexibility if the teacher workforce becomes comprised largely of older and more risk-averse workers. At the same time, a number of countries are concerned about the decline in teachers’ job security and the increase in contract-based employment, particularly of a short-term nature (OECD, 2005), and the impact of teacher turnover. Technology played a marvelous role in enhancing the teaching and learning effectiveness and the same would be cover under the next heading.

Technology in Education

The benefits of technology in education have been lauded for many years, from Thomas Edison’s 1910 proclamation that film would transform education, making books obsolete (Israel, 1998, p. 442) to the most recent phenomenon of using the Internet for instructional purposes. Large sums of money have been spent over the years on the researching and investment of new technologies for education, such as the 170 million dollars spent in the 1950’s on testing the use of television for educational purposes by the Ford Foundation, to the more recent investments in computer and networking infrastructure in schools which saw forty billion dollars spent in the decade leading up to 2003 alone.

There is mounting evidence that technology improves student achievement on tests in both core subject areas as well as overall GPA. One of the major areas in which greater achievement has been seen is in math. The Moore Independent School District in Oklahoma used a Cognitive Tutor computer based curriculum in 5 junior high schools and found that students who learned using the cognitive tutor curriculum outscored students who were enrolled in a traditional Algebra curriculum on the ETS Algebra I End-of-Course test (Morgan, 2002).

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Technology Improves the Quality of Student Work

Research supports that technology has the potential to improve quantitative assessment performance in core subjects, as well as overall GPA. However, there is also mounting evidence that technology not only has a quantitative advantage over traditional methods, but also leads to qualitative improvements; resulting in higher-quality student work. The Harvest Park Middle school found that “students who use computers when learning to write are not only more engaged and motivated in their writing, but also produce work that is of greater length and higher quality, especially at the secondary level”

Technology Benefits Students with Special Needs

Improved writing is not the only area in which students with special needs benefit from technology. One study found that students with Dyslexia improved significantly in reading ability when a computer remediation program, Fast For Word Language, was used and that in some cases dyslexic student scores were raised into the normal range (Temple, 2003). It was found that such remediation led to “improved language, reading performance and increased activation in multiple brain regions during phonological processing”

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Technology Improves Attitudes towards Learning

At risk students are not the only ones that respond positively to the use of technology in learning. Many research studies have found that most students prefer learning with technology, which in turn leads to a better attitude towards learning as well as giving them more confidence. In the Cognitive Tutor study, students were found to be more likely to say that mathematics is useful outside the academic context and to feel more confident in mathematics than students in traditional classes (Morgan, 2002). Students in the Freedom to learn study were found to believe that education “made it easier to do school work, made them more interested in learning, and would help them get better jobs in the future” (Lowther, 2007). The students with special needs in the Fast For Ward study, similarly, felt that they did better on computer based tests and nearly all recommended the program for other students (Dolan, 2005).

Graphics Organizer

Technology in education is neither a novelty nor is it a fad. It is a part of the modern world, and is becoming more and more ubiquitous in our lives every year. It is also a proven method for improving learning. There is strong evidence pointing towards technology leading to better results on standardized tests; however the real emphasis should not be on how it improves test scores, but on how it benefits student learning; how it enables those who are not able to perform at their peak in traditional classrooms to do better; how it motivates students to learn and gives them a more positive attitude towards education Although many studies find that student attitude towards learning improves using technology, some studies have not found significant difference in student attitude or motivation (Funkhouser, Winter 2002/2003). However, most research tends to support the correlation of improved attitude with technology use. Among number of technologies, Graphic organizer is one of them which as its own significance. One aspect which may contribute to improved attitude towards learning is that many uses of technology in learning allow for individualized learning.

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Graphic organizers are an illustration of your thoughts on paper. They can help you brainstorm, organize, and visualize your ideas.  Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Once you’ve downloaded an organizer, type in your comments and print it out. Each graphic organizer below includes Teaching Notes with lessons and tips on how to use graphic organizers in the classroom.

Visual thinking can be expressed in many ways. Graphic organizers are one way for visual thinkers to arrange their ideas. There are unlimited ways to express these visual ideas. Graphic organizers have many names including visual maps, mind mapping, and visual organizers. Although many students plan with paper and pencil, technology tools can be very helpful because they allow easy editing.

Graphic organizers can be used in all phases of learning from brainstorming ideas to presenting findings. They can be used individually or in large groups. For example, some teachers like to create a class concept map as a large group to review at the end of a unit or develop a character map while reading a book aloud to the class. These tools are particularly useful in activities that require critical thinking skills.

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Advantages of Graphic Organizers

Why use graphic organizers in student projects? Shouldn't students be writing paragraphs and reports? There are a number of answers to these questions. First, these organizers are a way to encourage students to think about information in new ways. With writing, it's easy for students to copy from one place to another. With graphic organizers, you remove the words and focus on the connections. Second, they are a great tool for activities that ask students to review concepts and demonstrate their understanding. They can easily make changes and take different perspectives. In other words, it helps student’s clarity their thinking. Third, a huge amount of information can be shared on a single picture to provide the "big view" of a topic. Fourth, it's easy to edit, revise, and quickly add to a visual map. Fifth, graphic organizers can be used as a nice planning tool from information identification to product development. Finally, they are great for visual thinkers or those that need to practice their visual thinking.

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Graphic organizers have many advantages in the classroom. They are an excellent tool for visual learners who struggle with information that is presented in an entirely written form. Organizers allow students to display a great deal of information on a single graphic. It is also a far less cluttered approach to note taking and studying. Graphic organizers are also a great tool to use with struggling writers and students who are having trouble making connections among concepts. Regardless of how you use them, graphic organizers are a wonderful classroom resource that you can integrate in a wide variety of ways.


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