Free «Population Density» Essay Sample

In demography, population density refers to the number of living human beings per unit of land, commonly per square kilometer or square mile (Berns, 2010). It is possible to compute the population density of the entire world, especially when a person knows the total area in kilometers and the total number of living human beings occupying the land. High population densities depict more people per square kilometer than it is in the case with low population densities. Human population density grows relatively to urban development, growth of industries and improved health care facilities among other factors (Frischmann, 2012). This discussion will consider American experience of growing populations, experience of living in a dense environment with other people, rules that address crowding problems, and the way wealthy people in the American cities address problems of urban crowding and congestion.

American experience of the growing population will include negative effects on personal space and privacy (Frischmann, 2012). Personal space refers to the amount of space that surrounds a person. In America, this space can determine the feelings of a person regarding personal security. As human population grows, individuals will get close to other people’s comfort zones (Olson, 2007). Privacy refers to the withdrawal and seclusion from other people. Growing population of people may reduce privacy among people, especially when social institutions become congested. Therefore, growing population will affect Americans negatively, because they value personal space and privacy in their lives.



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Scarcity of social amenities such as health facilities, educational institutions and recreational facilities is among the factors that lead to the development of high population densities in any social amenity (Frischmann, 2012). In most cases, people regard living in a dense environment with other people as a negative experience. It is uncomfortable to live in a dense environment such as a college dormitory that accommodates about twenty students. Students will experience a number of problems, such as noise making, smelly air, lack of privacy, reduced personal space among other disturbances (Frischmann, 2012). Resolving such problems in dense environment is hard, because students have varied characters.

It is necessary for an organization or government to design and implement rules that will address the problems of crowding (Roosa, 2008). Problems of crowding include lack of privacy, reduced personal space, noise pollution and pressure on social amenities among other disturbances. The government should create awareness about the effects of noise to people as well as support prevention strategies against noise pollution (Olson, 2007). Installation of double-paned windows may reduce the amount of noise that people experience in their personal space. The government should establish enough social amenities to increase people’s personal space and privacy. Buildings like hospital wards, dining halls and dormitories should have adequate circulation of air, which will reduce the transmission of contagious infections among the occupants (Olson, 2007).

The phenomenon of urban crowding and congestion has become common in American cities (Olson, 2007). This phenomenon has a close relationship with noise pollution, reduced personal space and privacy, air pollution, reduced personal security and other problems that result from a dense human population. Wealthy people in American cities have dealt with some of these problems. For instance, wealthy Americans establish their residential houses in high class residential zones in suburbs (Olson, 2007). This will ensure that wealthy people enjoy privacy and enough personal space.

In conclusion, the increase in the number of individuals per unit of land may result in poor living conditions. A person is likely to experience noise pollution, reduced personal space and privacy and other problems in dense environment. It is necessary to design and implement strategies that reduce effects of human crowding (Olson, 2007).


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