Free «Weekly Journal Culture» Essay Sample

Culture is one of the most influential things that affect the family and thus affect the school going children. The influence of culture at family level can influence the way a child interacts with other people; family members, peers and teachers. This is a journal of selected readings on culture and family influence on children, communication with teachers, and parent-teacher cooperation.

In “Joining Hands: Preparing Teachers to Make Meaningful Home-School Connections” Ammon (1999) explores how teacher-family partnerships can be prioritized in teacher training. The main point of the reading is that teachers training should enable a teacher to connect with the families of the learners. A teacher should be able to establish and maintain a good connection between home and school, take into consideration the learners cultural backgrounds when communicating with them.

Martin & Hagan-Burke (2002) in “Establishing a home-school connection: Strengthening the partnership between families and schools” emphasis communication between parents and their children’s schools. The book provides a procedure for facilitating productive parent participation in school activities, and fostering good communication between schools and homes.



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In “Involvement of parents of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds”by Bastera (1998) the importance of parent involvement in schools is emphasized. According to Bastera, consistent parental involvement in their children’s education makes it more effective, since it helps enhance the way the school embraces student diversity.

Based on my teaching experience, the information presented in these readings can be very helpful for schools, and, in particular, for the management of multicultural classrooms. The readings have a comprehensive guide on how to involve teachers in schools. I will incorporate it in creating modalities and techniques of parental involvement in school affairs. My concern will be not only how to involve them, but also when. The material also provides guidance on identification and handling barriers. With this guide I will be able to indentify barriers and neutralize their effect. Finally, I will be able to ensure that parent participation brings about cultural and linguistic diversity to the learners.


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