Each country has difficult issues throughout its political history. United States is not an exception. Many issues have been raised by the political powers in the country, and some of them were deliberately avoided due to the complexity and the absence of single opinion towards the problem.
One of these problems was presented by Gary Younge in his article about the gun control measures in the United States. The problem is very popular, and the mass media actively proceeds with further debate on the issue while political powers are not very eager to raise this issue over and over again. As proposed in the article, the gun control lies on the bottom of the legislation of the United States, and despite the tragic events of Colorado shooting and other similar accidents, the politicians have not yet found a way to handle this complex issue.
The issue which is brought up in the article has already obtained its status as one of the greatest social problems of the United States. The statistics which is provided in the article means that more than eighty people are killed daily in the United States as victims of shootings in various states. However, despite the clear criticism of the current political system and the actions it takes in terms of gun control policies, the article does not offer any solution to the problem.
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The potential threat to gun control is the existence of certain players on the scene which are interested in further worsening of the issue. The companies and corporations selling guns are generally interested in pulling the issue down from discussion on the political scene. From the other side, the role of mass media only warms up the politicians, who are in most occasions clueless about the implications of their actions towards managing gun control issue throughout the whole country on the level of Federal Law.
The differences between the states also play an important role in this case. When looking at the statistical data of various states, it can be seen that the quantity of people who die from shootings every day is very different in various regions and states within the United States. Therefore, it is necessary to consider whether the laws on gun control should be approved on the state level or on the level of the whole country.
Nonetheless, the importance of the problem and its actuality are booming. More news appears on the quantity of people who were shot in certain locations, and the problem gets even worse with the young people getting involved. School shootings and college shootings are already on the agenda of most local government representatives who do not know what actions to apply while there has been no regulation from the above.
The essay clearly does not offer this depth of the problem. It only covers gun control as the problem which needs to be solved without clarifying the necessity of law regulation on the issue. Moreover, the logical explanation about the reasons underlying the complexity of the issue is not provided as well.
In the opinion of the author, the general opinion about the Americans being more violent than other nations is enough for understanding why gun control should be taken into consideration by the politicians. This opinion is solely a generalization, and the data provided by the author is ‘rough’, as he mentions in the article.
Perhaps a more comprehensive study of the issue should be made. Each state is to be viewed separately in terms of the legislation on gun control which already exists and the situation in particular. Additionally, the details of each past event should be reviewed in terms of the motives which had led to shootings and had caused this very important problem of the modern American society.