Free «Hate Crime Research» Essay Sample


This research snapshot highlights the extent in which hate crime manifests itself in Canadian university and colleges. Although the universities are meant to foster diversity and tolerance, hate is manifested in its daily functioning. The research was conducted through all the demographics such as bisexuals, gay, transgender communities, and lesbians as well as minorities on the campuses and colleges.


The data and information from the study was obtained using random sample survey of students registered in one of the community college and one university in central Ontario. A collection of 10500 students was considered as the target population for the study. The reason for choosing the college was that it was thought to be relatively diverse while the university was new at that time (2006/2007), hence provided a good benchmark for the study.

Sampling plan was conducted from a list of all universities and colleges. Several courses were also selected to compute the questionnaire using random numbers. More advanced and incoming third year class among all the programs was selected. All was well when conducting the survey, since all the students found in class completed it. The research decided to use a unique survey instrument developed by Prejudice Institute. The research took a broad perspective this time by including broad patterns of hate crime that can be trigged by religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and disability.



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Depth interviews with the student leaders in the university were conducted since the student representatives had some knowledge on the campus climate. The reason for using the new survey instrument was to purposively engage with those dynamic insights on the campus diversity. The instrument also helped to build rich intellectual questions.

Sample Demographics

More than half of the participants were university students, 57.7%, and 42% were college students. The sample use was mainly composed of students from European decent. There was no comparison to the demographics could be made since neither institution was ready to make their data and information available. Much of the data are descriptive, since not much effort has been made to expose them to manipulation due to the small cell size of the impacts.

Prevalence and Incidence

Findings from incidents containing hate-motivated crime-related offences were prone among the college and university students. More than 40% of the respondents showed some form of victimization. For example, racial comments being directed with threats. The following are the most common victimization: offensive online images, verbal sexual harassment, offensive phone class, offensive jokes, offensive posters, offensive graffiti, and offensive comments on campus radio, and stories.

Victims Experiences

Victims’ recent experiences of violence and harassment on campus have been seen through the collection of previous history and cultural biographies. With respect to the finding incidents of hate crime added to the broad phenomenon of homophobia, racism, and sexism. The policies and regulations governing hate crimes should be implemented and put into action to prevent such events from taking place among the colleges and universities in Canada. The significance of the research was to create awareness to all other learning institutions to curb the problem of hate crimes, since it can lead to poor performance among students and also bridging of law.

According to the survey conducted, more than 100 students have lost life due to the consequences of hate crime. The researcher also proposes that advanced research should be conducted in future to as to avoid such incidences in the future.


Proper manifestation of hate crimes can cause limited impacts, but extreme use of hate crime leads to violence. Therefore, to curb the problem in Canadian colleges and universities hate crime education should be conducted.


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