Free «Wire Tap» Essay Sample

The Wire Trap Act is a law established to protect people against illegal tapping of the communication by intelligence authorities for prosecution purposes. Initially, Title III, which was contained in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act that was enacted in 1968, covered the wire and oral communication only (United States Department of Justice, 2010). However, this was revised subsequently in 1986 to Title I, which included electronic communications too. These laws have several provisions related to trapping on information from a person without his or her knowledge. The laws prohibit interception, use, disclosure, or even procurement of information by any person in the form of either electronic, wire, or oral from another person without his or her authorization. The laws also provide exceptions for any person who is allowed to intercept information in any of the three means, as defined by the Foreign Intelligence Act of 1978. The laws also prohibit the use of any illegally obtained information in court as evidence. Authorization to tap into any oral, electronic, or wire communication is granted by a judicial legalization whereby a judge could issue a legalization warranty of up to 30 days.



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Roving wire traps or multipoint wiretaps is a tracing technique used to intercept communications from a targeted individual (Lippman, 2010). The law provides that such individuals behave in a manner suggesting that they are seeking to distract surveillance or are evading interception. These forms of surveillance violate citizens' constitutional rights by allowing security agents intercept information from individuals without permission. In fact, this sounds more of eavesdropping, which is a crime. Any right that has an attachment to privacy is utterly disregarded by such intelligence acts because they probe someone without his or her knowledge.

Real evidence refers to the physical material that is brought to court as evidence of a crime committed. This evidence is displayed in the courtroom, and a case is conducted based on what is seen in the courtroom (Buckles, 2003). On the other hand, demonstrative evidence refers to evidence produced in court, in the form of an object or any other representation such as a sound, picture, map, and drawing among others. Real evidence is better because it is easy to verify any claims behind a prosecution basing on the actual or physical evidence. In other words, facts can be established easily using physical evidence other than demonstrative evidence.


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