Free «Autobiography of My Mother» Essay Sample


Social surroundings and cultural influences impact literature. A piece of writing actually does not refer to the personal thought or autobiography of a writer. But, most of the time he/she express the current social and cultural influences into autobiography format. The reason behind it is might be a story in first person grabs more attention and influence the readers much. Hereinafter, a story that possess deprived notion of society as well as individual with a dilate expression is exemplified below.

Auto biography of my mother:

“Auto biography of my mother” written by Jamaica Kincaid is a story about a lady who lost her mother on her birth. The central character presented in the story is Xuela, the story revolves around her personality characteristics build in the course of her life incidents. Starter of story tells the dilemmatic trauma of her life as her mother passed away on her birth. And, her father’s rough treatment to her like he treats to his rough cloths. At the same time her step mother’s rational attitude to her siblings. On the other hand, Xuela’s unacceptability in the social and educational avenues is the reason for her rational personality. Therefore, her upbringing, social affiliation, and educational constraints are not so contented that has put bad impacts on her personality.



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At the same time, her self centric approach made her more selfish or obsesses her to hold her authority of women in her control which is not commonly in practice in the society. That is why the writer in the middle of story portrayed her personality traits by painting-her affection for sex, her desire to be authoritative, and her regrets for her life that has been passed away. Her decision for abortion and the pitiless attitude towards it shows her lament towards the life.

Hereinafter, complete story “Auto biography of my mother” depicts regretful emotions of a traumatic personality. At the same time, good induction of emotions and social influences to a personality by the writer Jamaica Kincaid has made it exceptional. However, most of the readers say that this type of work is a rare example.

Gender illuminates aspects of Caribbean culture:

As the story tell its theme of gender illuminates aspects of Caribbean culture. At the start of this essay, it was discussed with great indication that every story reflects the social and personal influences on a writer. Nevertheless, the personal influences are also because of social and cultural indictment. Therefore, all the utterance of thought and painting the white paper with ink is to express the overall social and cultural structure and occurrences by the means of words and sentences.

The writer Jamaica Kincaid has created an influential theme. No doubt it is quite different and very rare itself. However, the reality of a raged and regretted personality is quite significantly portrayed by the writer. The theme is not only readable/enjoyable or seductive by its utterance, but it also influences the wide audience of all nature and personality. And, gives a chance to redefine the personality traits they have.

Therefore, it cannot be said that the writing has only seductive element in it. But, the message is so strong to pinch the stagnant society of male dominance. As the male dominance clearly shown in this story in the characters of Xuela’s father, her lovers, and her husband as she claimed in the story. At the same time, her love for sex and her exposure of seduction makes her an authoritative woman which she likes to be.

Hereinafter, it is a story of unique style, but the depiction is not very unique. Utterance of this type of story is not very easy for everyone. Therefore, Jamaica Kincaid has shown the courage to expose that kind of stories living within us. And, these stories are born only because of deprived notion and destructive personality.

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Writer and the story:

As writer is living in the society that strongly believes in male dominance. It would be more appropriate to say that male dominance could not be eliminated from the minds of men. However, as civilization governs, it has changed the overall scenario of male dominance. Nevertheless, the creation of story by Jamaica Kincaid is influence of her surroundings. Therefore, writer has developed her relationship with the surroundings to extend her thoughts to her canvas.

This strong relationship of writer and the story has put the interest element in the story very high. Therefore, as writer has enjoyed and deeply thought about the story line. Just like that the reader has also enjoyed the well structured and deep thought that has enough to influence the readers. Hereinafter, to sum up the writer and story relationship, it would be better to say that writer has written the story by her heart and soul as it looks like her own autobiography.


At the end of treatise, it is better to restate the thesis which is social surroundings and cultural influences impact literature. After going through the story and inking the white paper by appending the essay on the story “Auto biography of my mother.” It has been concluded by extraction of summary of the above mentioned story that writing depends upon the current social and cultural prevailing and making it a thought and portrayal of though.

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Moreover, as in the above mentioned story by Jamaica Kincaid, she has greatly depicted the very sensitive as well as current social and cultural prevailing and makes it a unique but influential thought and portrayed it very well that has grasped the reader’s attention. So, this writing possesses the level of master piece.


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