Free «Mountain Immortals» Essay Sample

In the passage, the author explores the universal influence of myths on the society. Joseph Campbell explores the effects of myths and the way how they are made. He examines the process of making the myths both in the past and present world. He emphasizes that myths and religions have always had a fundamental archetype. Myths are no longer limited to a person, region or religion. The knowledge of myth and religion should be used to fulfill human latent ubiquitously.

The author focuses on some of the myths that affect everyday life of humans. He convinces the readers that myths govern humans’ view of the world. The author mentions meeting a Hindu who worked as a United Nations’ clerk (Campbell 17). The clerk told him that he studied the religions of all the countries he visited. He also said that he has been reading the Bible, but found no religion in it. Joseph Campbell replied the clerk that reading a holy book is not considered a religious exercise.

The world has many legends, and these legends have heroes. Not all the heroes are powerful and immortal beings. Their significant strengths are displayed by great intelligence, dedication, and skill. All the heroes do not have the same qualities. Different cultures have produced different heroes with different qualities. Some heroes are fictional and others are legendary. They are therefore, given the status of a hero by writers and the public.



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The biggest concern of Joseph Campbell is that the modern world does not have a mythology that is functioning properly. This leads to a prevalent inner confusion and intricacy in finding a person’s purpose in life. The passage states that humans do not have a stable myth structure. It is therefore essential to have a stable myth structure which should guide the human development both traditionally and religiously.


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