Free «In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland» Essay Sample

In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice experiences a series of puzzles that appear to have no apparent solutions, which emulates the ways that life aggravates expectations. Alice anticipates that the situations she experiences will make a positive kind of sense, but they repetitively frustrate her capability to comprehend Wonderland. Alice tries to comprehend the Caucus race, resolve the Mad Hatter’s puzzle, and understand the Queen’s ludicrous croquet game, but to no reward. In every occasion, the riddles and challenges offered to Alice have no intention or answer. Even still Lewis Carroll was a theorist; in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, he creates a farce out of riddles, jokes, and games of judgment. Alice learns that she cannot anticipate finding meaning or logic in situations that she goes through, even when they materialize to be riddles, problems, or games that would usually have solutions that Alice would be capable to figure out. Carroll provides a broader point concerning the ways that life frustrates prospects and opposes interpretation, even when problems seem recognizable or solvable (Carroll 258).



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Alice continually gets herself in situations in which she perils death, and while these intimidations never happen, they suggest that bereavement lurks just after the ridiculous actions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as a current and likely outcome. Death emerges in Chapter 1, when the storyteller mentions that Alice would utter nothing of collapse of her own house, since it would probability kill her. Alice obtains risks that could perhaps kill her, but she never believes death as a likely outcome. Over occasion, she starts to comprehend that her experiences in Wonderland are extreme more frightening than they emerge to be. As the Queen shouts “off with its head!” she comprehends, that Wonderland may not simply be a ridiculous realm where prospects are repeatedly aggravated. Death may be an actual hazard, and Alice starts to appreciate that the risks she features may not be ridiculous and ridiculous after all. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland occur in Alice’s hallucination, so that the characters and occurrence of the real planet mix with elements of Alice’s insensible state. The dream theme explains the abundance of irrational and disparate actions in the story. As in a vision, the narrative trails the dreamer as she experiences various episodes in which she tries to interpret her encounters in correlation to herself and her universe. Though Alice’s encounters lend themselves to significant observations, they oppose a singular and logical interpretation (Hollingsworth 98).

Alice quickly find out during her movements that the only dependable aspect of Wonderland that she can add up on is that it will aggravate her expectations and confront her sympathetic of the natural array of the world. In Wonderland, Alice realizes that her lessons no longer signify what she contemplation, as she botches her increase tables and incorrectly narrates poems she had to commit to memory while in Wonderland. Even Alice’s bodily dimensions become misshapen as she shrinks and grows erratically throughout the narrative. Wonderland frustrates Alice’s wishes to fit her experiences in a reasonable framework where she can construct a sense of the association between reason and effect (Bloom 166).

Carroll plays with literature conventions in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, utilizing puns and playing on manifold meanings of words during the text. Carroll discovers words and terms and gives new meanings for expressions. Alice’s expletive “Curious and curio user!” proposes that both her environments and the verbal communication she uses to portray them expand beyond anticipation and convention. Anything is achievable in Wonderland, and Carroll’s handling of language reflects this intelligence of unlimited opportunities (Brooker 380). Alice utilizes these words all through her journey to depict phenomena she has problem explaining. Though the expressions are exchangeable, she usually assigns inquisitive and confusing to knowledge or encounters that she endures. She tolerates is the experiences that are snooping or confusing, hoping to achieve a clearer image of how that personality or experience purposes in the world. When Alice announces something to be twaddle, as she does with the testing in Chapter 12, she discards or criticizes the knowledge or encounter.

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Nearly all object in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland work as a symbol, but not anything clearly symbolizes one particular thing. The representative resonances of Wonderland substances are generally controlled to the individual incident in which they materialize. Frequently the symbols function together to express a particular meaning. The backyard may stand for the Garden of Eden, an idyllic room of beauty and blamelessness that Alice is not allowable to access. On a more theoretical level, the garden may just represent the incident of desire, in that Alice centers her energy and sensation on trying to achieve it. The two symbolic connotations work together to underline or emphasize Alice’s desire to grasp onto her feelings of childlike blamelessness that she must surrender as she matures. 


The formal elements in this narrative are essential for its meaning and understanding. Like the backyard, the Caterpillar’s mushroom also has numerous symbolic meanings. Some critics and readers view the Caterpillar as a sexual hazard, its phallic image a symbol of sensual virility. The Caterpillar’s mushroom links to this symbolic sense. Alice must comprehend the properties of the mushroom to achieve control over her variable size, which represents the physical frustrations that escort puberty. Others examine the mushroom as a psychedelic dream that compounds Alice’s weird and distorted awareness of Wonderland.


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