Free «Cognitive Psychology» Essay Sample

It is obvious that computers are capable of performing a variety of tasks with impeccable accuracy. First, the computers are able to accomplish numerous tasks in a relatively short period as compared to human beings. Computers do not waste time thinking about what should be done at a given instant, due to their preliminary setup and programming according to certain instructions. Moreover, the computers are also able to achieve these tasks with high levels of accuracy. This is because the computers strictly adhere to the set instructions. As a result, there is no margin for errors. However, systematic errors occur occasionally as a result of poor programming or system failure.

In addition, computers are more suitable at handling repetitive and redundant jobs as opposed to human beings. This is because, unlike the humans, the computers do not get exhausted with time. They can go on with their tasks, as long as there is a power supply. Moreover, the computers are not affected by the emotional surroundings. Consequently, they would be more suitable in performing repetitive tasks, for instance, the assembly of vehicles. The computers end up being more efficient than humans because they are capable of producing consistent results in significant volumes.



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Computers would also come in handy in the experimentation and exploration of a new form of technological advancement, for instance weapons. This is because the computers can simply be programmed to do such tasks without risking or endangering human life. The destruction resulting from such ventures is, in most cases, not accompanied with emotions and is ethically acceptable.

Advantages of Human Beings over Computers

One of the major advantages that human beings have over computers is the “human feel”. It is the character that identifies human beings. For this reason, computers would be deemed unethical to perform certain tasks. Such tasks would include: customer service, therapy, nursing, judging or policing, just to mention but a few. These jobs are best suited for humans since they require a human feel or human touch. In addition, they also require an emotional understanding.

Moreover, other works require exceptional human mastery and human skill and would, thus be suitable for human beings. Such works would, for instance, be related to talents such as art. Different forms of art require exceptional attention to detail and also require a human touch. In most cases, people prefer hand works machinery work. This is because it represents a high degree to detail and attention and represents certain mastery. It is, therefore, easier to relate and appreciate the handy work by human beings.

Comparison cCart for the Way People and Computers “Think”

  People Computers
Speed Human beings take a long time to comprehend and perform a given task. Unlike the humans, computers are able to think and perform a given task instantly.
Accuracy Human beings are prone to making mistakes while undertaking a given task, thus, their level of accuracy is relatively lower than that of machines. On the other hand, humans, computers are capable of completing tasks with high levels of accuracy. However, occurrence of a systematic failure or error could result in enormous error margins.
Output The thinking and output capacity of human beings is limited. With computers, the capacity of the output is not limited.
Multitasking Human beings are unable to think and perform different tasks simultaneously. Computers, however, have the capacity to think and perform multitudes of different tasks simultaneously and precisely.
Emotions Human beings are emotional. Thus, their performance is affected by the emotional environment or mood surrounding them. On the other hand, computers are machines and, therefore, do not suffer emotional stress. Thus, their performance remains undaunted by the surroundings.
Performance Human beings are prone to getting tired and weary. Thus, they can not perform, for instance, redundant tasks without getting tired and making mistakes. Computers, however, do not get tired of performing redundant tasks. Thus, their performance remains unaffected.

Therefore, the comparison above shows that these differences are both quantitative and qualitative. They are quantitative in the sense that the amount of work or task accomplished varies from human beings to computers. Computers are able to archive enormous volumes of work within an extremely short period. On the contrary, the performance output of human beings is limited. Human beings, therefore, tend to perform less work as compared to computers as a result of the stipulated reasons. The differences are also qualitative in the sense that the degree of quality of the work done by computers and human beings also vary. Computers, unlike human beings, produce quality work with the required precision. They are not prone to errors and are, thus, more efficient than the human beings. The human beings, on the other hand, are more prone to mistakes. Consequently, they produce work less quality as compared to the computers. However, the human beings are also capable of producing quality hand-made products.

Therefore, the concept of computer consciousness will be highly possible and reliable in the future. This will be in an attempt to minimize on the errors made by human beings while maximizing and harnessing the potential that computers posses. Technological advancement is already in progress, and human beings are working on developing sophisticated robots that will think and act just like a man. Thus, the issue of artificial intelligence remains a viable tool for exploitation of future technological advancements.


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