Table of Contents
Problem Statement
The clinical problem that led to the study was diabetes, which is a critical condition prevalent among individuals. Diabetes is attacking individuals all over the globe at an alarming rate, and it needs to be addressed urgently in order to reduce its prevalence. The research problem that has led to the study is that many individuals do not understand the significance of exercises in the prevention of diabetes. The understandability of the knowledge that exercises can help in the alleviation of diabetes plays an instrumental role in improving healthcare delivery all over the globe.
The significance of the study has been established by investigating the level of suffering that diabetes patients undergo. The study can help to alleviate immense suffering among individuals, promoting a healthy population. The significance of the study has also been established by stating the costs that diabetic patients incur each moment they visit hospitals. The study is aimed at ensuring that these costs are significant for individuals. Lastly, the importance of this study is proven by determining the number of people affected by diabetes. The study is significant because it will help to reduce this number, as it states measures to be taken by individuals.
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Purpose and Research Questions
The purpose of the study is to enlighten individuals about the significance of exercises in dealing with diabetes all over the globe. Dunford (2006) affirms that the aim of the study is to encourage individuals to take part in frequent exercises, as this would limit the chances of being exposed to diabetes.
The research has been conducted to answer the following questions:
1) What is diabetes?
2) What is the importance of exercises in dealing with diabetes?
3) How often should individuals take part in exercises?
4) What are the effects of diabetes on the health of individuals?
5) How should diabetic individuals manage their health?
The purpose and research questions are related to the problem. The key problem is the diabetic condition, while the purpose of the study is to teach individuals about the significance of exercises in dealing with the condition. The questions are also related to the problem, as each of them addresses it.
Qualitative methods are appropriate to answer these research questions. These methods involve the gathering of large volumes of data pertaining to a particular issue. Thus, they are instrumental in answering these questions by ensuring that adequate data are gathered for each question, and a solution is found.
Literature Review
The author cited qualitative studies relevant to the focus of the study. The research is aimed at gathering large amounts of data relating to diabetes, and the manner, in which exercises can play a vital role in alleviating it. Other types of literature relating to the length of the study and its expectations are also included.
Current references have been used in reinforcing the study. The references are less than five years old, ensuring that they are relevant to the issue under analysis. The current references have been used in order to address the significance of exercises in dealing with diabetes in the most efficient manner possible.
The weaknesses of the available studies have been evaluated in order to fulfill all objectives of the research and to encourage individuals to address any gaps existing in the study. Kahn (2005) asserts that the weaknesses evaluated in the research will enable readers to be keener when engaging in any of the activities listed in the paper.
The literature review includes adequate information that can help in building a logical argument. For instance, it includes respective information relating to the prevalence of diabetes, the importance of exercises in the alleviation of diabetes, and the expectations of the study.
Conceptual / Theoretical Framework
The specific perspective, from which the study has been developed, is identified. The study has been developed from a health practitioner’s perspective and is meant to improve health standards among individuals. The health practitioner’s perspective is significant, because it improves the level of the reliability of information because of the feeling that it emanates from an expert in the field of healthcare.
Apart of the findings of the study, there is a diagram containing data relating to the level of exercise among individuals and the prevalence of diabetes. It indicates that diabetes is more prevalent among individuals, who do not take part in any form of exercise. On the other hand, the diagram indicates that those individuals, who frequently took part in exercises, are less exposed to the risk of being affected by diabetes. Hawley & Zierath (2008) assert that the diagram is used in order to simplify the findings presented in the research.