Free «Schizophrenia Problem» Essay Sample

Schizophrenia refers to a psychological disorder that involves delusions and wrong perceptions of the surroundings (Cohen, 2003). Scientists have speculated that schizophrenia may result from chemical imbalances in human brain. Schizophrenia does not have any cure, but many effective treatments are available to reduce symptoms, shorten the length of psychotic episodes, and decrease the possibility that new psychotic episodes will occur. This discussion will consider the factors that indicate a favorable prognosis for recovery from schizophrenia.

Among the factors that are responsible for a favorable prognosis for recovery from schizophrenia are: marital history, social support systems, age of a schizophrenic, occupational history, the rate at which the symptoms develop, attitude of a family toward the returning schizophrenic, just to mention a few. Marital history is a significant factor because patients with helpful and stable marital partners experience a more favorable prognosis than the unmarried patients do (Cohen, 2003).



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Social support systems enhance favorable prognostic outcome for schizophrenics. Schizophrenics who are close to supportive family members and friends have a high likelihood of experiencing favorable prognostic outcomes as compared to the patients far from friends and family members. Age is another significant factor because research has shown that older patients experience more favorable prognosis than the younger patients do.

Research has shown that the occupational history of schizophrenics determines how favorable prognostic outcomes will be (Cohen, 2003). Patients with stable businesses or occupations prior to the start of schizophrenia will respond in a better way than the economically unsound patients will do. The rate at which symptoms develop is another significant factor because the symptoms will respond to treatments faster if the rate of development is rapid (Cohen, 2003).

Therefore, the prognostic outcomes of schizophrenia depend on the life of the individuals schizophrenics. Some schizophrenics tend to experience favorable outcomes because they are close to family members and friends, older, have helpful and stable marital partners, the symptoms develop rapidly, and when they have stable businesses or occupations (Cohen, 2003).


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