Free «Healing Power of Music» Essay Sample

Music can be defined as a pulse of energy that travels through vibrations. It is not just made with instruments and songs, nature produces music too. Think of the water flowing in a brook, waves crushing on a beach, birds perching and the silence in the desert. In this essay, I will seek to critically examine the following issues; is the healing power permanent or temporary? Is it specific to animal species? Does all type of music have healing properties?

Music is series of energy vibrations that are transmitted from the source to our ears, and into our bodies. With that in mind, the human cellular system is made of atoms that are also in constant vibration. The music is then able to disarrange these systems causing healing to occur in body. However, the healing is not just on the human species. An experiment done on three sets of plants for a period of 30 days byDorothy Retallack (1973) had the following results. The 1st set of plants was exposed to acid rock, the 2nd to classical music and the 3rd to devotional music. The results were amazing. The 1st group grew away from the speakers, and their growth stunted. The 2nd group had better than normal growth while the 3rd group grew towards the speakers with the most luxurious growth, and coherent cellular patterns.



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Music to the animals, and in this case human beings, alters our emotions, strengthens our immunity and promotes mental imagery development. Music has therapeutic healing as it lowers blood pressure, stress levels and reduces the medical needs of patients. It is, therefore, common to find music being played in ICU’s and operating theatres, as music fosters faster recovery. A relaxed state of mind in a surgeon is a plus in an operation as well as a relaxed patient who needs fewer anesthesias. Not all types of music have healing properties. It has been noted that lower vibrations, for example, infra sound have deadly effects on the human body organs. The rhythm in music gives rhythm to disorganized thinking, and a link to those who are out of touch with their emotions. It causes emotions inside us altering our state of mind, physical health and our general out look in life.

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