Free «Johny Cash» Essay Sample


The  music industry has been very  profitable as well as enjoyable  for  those who have  been  serious and  ambitious as far  as  their  talent  in  music  is  concerned. To  this  end,  it  is  important  to  note  that  there  has  been  many musician  or rather  role models  in  as  far as  music  industry is  concerned. One of the music icons in that industry is none other than Johnny Cash. The aim of this research paper is to discuss the life of John cash. This person  is also known  as  ' The  man in  Black'  since he  emerges   to  be the son of a  man from the Dyess , Arkansas. The  research  paper  will therefore take care  of  unearthing  the  changes  that happened  from  a son  of  poor sharecropper  to  the  extent of acquiring  a title  of   'The  Man  in Black'.  Also, of  essence  will  be  the  handles  faced   by the   musician on  his way  to becoming  famous  in this  renown  industry of  music. The  research  unfolds  the  story  of this  musician  as  being  dominated   by gratifications  as  well  as  hurdle   of  becoming  a superstar as  it  emerges  in  the  experiences  of  human(Cash, p.24 ).



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There  is   redemption  from  sins  as  well as  eternal mission  of  the  soul of  human in  an  attempt  to  achieve  clarity. In the  discussion  of  this research  paper,  it will  emerge  that  as far as  Perkins Carl  is  concerned ,   who  turns  out  to be  an early  mate  of  the  musician  in question,  a star  as  well  as  a friend  of  Cash  for  quite  considerable  period  of  time, turns  out  to  be  one  of the  key  elements  in  the  life  of  Jonny  Cash that  would  facilitate  the  transformation  of Jonny Cash  to  whoever  he  ended  up  being -a music  icon. He did  a very  important  thing  of  being a mechanism  of  making  Johnny Cash  a  star  in  music(Turner, p.116). It  turns  out  as  his  friend reveals  that  it is  the  one,  when Johnny was  working  on  some piece of songs  and apparently  had something  disturbing  him,  Carl  Perkins told  Johnny of  the  persuasion regarding  women that he  was  likely  to  face  in the  course  of  his  work,  warning  him  against it.


In  his  life  as  a  musician  who  specialized  in  country  music and  known  as  'The  Man  in  Black',  he  always  emerged  to  be  extra ordinary in  his performances  and  hence  turned  out  to  be  one of  a kind. What  he  was  not  concerned  about is what  other  would  take   him to  be  or  rather  talk  of  him. From  this,  it  is  clear  that  he  used   to  concentrate on what was  important  at  the  moment-country  music. In  spite  of  not  being  of the  same  view  with  Johnny  Cash ,  most of  his  audiences  loved  the  music  he  produced  to  a great  extent(Cash, p.24 ).

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It  is during  the  period  when  he  was  determined  to  start  up  his family as  well as  climb the  ladder  of  becoming  a  famous  musician  that he  started   facing  a chain of  unlucky  events  that   almost  shuttered  his  dreams  of having a family  and  at the  same  time   becoming  famous  in the  music industry. It  emerged  that  Johnny  Cash  desperately  needed  help  due to  the  fact  that , although  he  was  determined  to   remain  in  music  in  the   face  of  all  the  challenges, at times he would sway  to  the  wrong  direction.  It is  his  long life  friend  that he  later  met that  changed  his  career  toward  the  right  direction as  mention  earlier in this  research   paper. According  to Sallman John, Cash  was  born  in  Southern Arkansas and  in  particular a place  called  Kingsland. This was in the year 1932. He latter lived with his two parents Carrie Cash and Ray Cash on their farm.

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Being the  son of  the  Baptist  sharecropper  of  southern,  he  started  playing,  writing  songs  as  well  as  playing  guitar  when  he  was 12  years  of age. He was already  given  chance  when  he  was  in  high  school to perform  on the  radio frequently  due to  the  experience  he  had  already  acquired  at that age. As a  radio  presenter,  he  connected  to  Air Force  in Germany  after  moving  from  Detroit in  his  overdue  teenage(Turner, p.117). It  is  after  leaving  air force,  that  he got married  in  the year  1954  settling  at  Memphis. Here, he enrolled in the school of radio announcers and used to earn a living through selling of appliances. 

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He  moved  a step  further  in life  when ,together  with  Grant  Marshall  as  well as  Perkins  started  recording  in the  year 1955 for Sun Records (Cash, p.24 ).The three  musicians recorded two songs;  in 1955 they successfully managed  to  record  'Cry ' while  during  the  following year they recorded ' prison Blues'. To  show  that  they were  really  determined,  they  went  an extra  mile the same year, recording  'The  line' ,  which  was  identified  as the most  Cash's  popular song.

This even  put  him at  a  position of  having  a lot  of  encouragement  as  far  as  music  was  concerned  and  in 1958 after moving  to California where  he signed   and  started  a  period  drug  as  well as alcohol abuse  with the  Columbia,  which  would  last  for at most  nine  years. What  followed is  the  release  of quite a good number  of pop  as  well as  country  music(Liberto, p.294) .At  this  moment  his  family  was  far  from  him  since he was  now  living  in  Greenwich  which  is  located  in New York. After wards and  in  particular,  in 1965 he  started  experiencing  life  as  well as  career  hurdles  when  he was apparently arrested  in  Mexican  border and  charged  with trying to do amphetamines  smuggling in the  case  of  his guitar.

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This resulted to being fined as well as being suspended. A series  of  problems  did  not  stop at this point either,  since his wife  divorced  him  after realizing  that  Johnny  had  a  severe  accident   as well as  an  almost  deadly  overdose. After all these problems, he left   to Nashville where he met another friend to be, by the name Jennings. Both of them used to abuse drugs for nearly the next two years.

Luck  met  him  when  he  came  across  and  befriended  June  Carter. It  is this  friend  who  played  another  big  role  in  the  life  of  Johnny  since  she  assisted  him  leave  aside   the  life  he  was  subscribed  to  of  abusing  drug  and  converted  him back  to  Christianity(Cash & Carr,  p.3). She  latter  turned  out  to  be  the  love  of  his  life and this  saw  Johnny  getting  married  once  again in  the  year 1968.They even  started  working  together. Here  they  again produced  several  hits  that  his  followers  or rather his  audience  liked  very  much.

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The  result of  becoming  reformed  and going  back  to  music  yielded  positive  results  when his  live album realized  high demand from those  who liked  his  songs (Turner, p.116). This album was titled "At Folsom Prison" and got as the best selling ever in his entire life as a musician in 1968. He then received an invitation from Dylan. He wanted Johnny to write Nashville Skyline's linear notes as well as sing the duet. Dylan came into view during  the initial  section  of  The  Prison  Show  and  in  particular ABC-TV in  June  1969. This  made  him popular  among the America musicians due to the good  reputation  that  resulted  from  his  performances  as  well as the high number of  guests who  attended  his show. He also had a performance in 1970 which was done at Nixon White House. In  1971, her  wife,  June  Carter  joined  him  all the  way to Israel do  a documentary which was  based  on the Gospel  Road .He  carried  on  with  his  work  by  touring  and  at the  same time  performing  music  through  out the 70s. Among his performances in the seventies includes; "One Piece at a Time" and "A Thing Called Love" just to mention but a few. During  his  touring,  he  played a  critical role  in the  rights  regarding native  Americans  as  well as  in  the  life  of  Americans.

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The  next critical thing  that  he  wanted  to do was to collaborate with Sun Records,  that  is  both Jerry  Lewis   as well as Carl Perkins  in an effort  of producing  as well as  recording  The  Survivors. This was successfully done in the year 1982(Cash & Carr, p.3). After seeing  that  collaboration was  making  good  progress, he decided  to  redo  it  once  again ,  this  time  round  with Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and  Nelson.  He collaborated with them in 1982 and by 1985 they had recorded Highwayman. This  collaboration did  better  than  those  he  had  done  earlier  since  they extended  it up to nineties  recording  Highwayman 2 as well as 'Road Goes On Forever' in  1990 and  1995  respectively.

His relationship or  rather  consolidation with  Columbia  records  did  not go  beyond  1985  and  it  is  after  this  separation that he collaborated  with the  Mercury  Records  in  an  attempt  of  recording more  songs. His  band for  country  music  seemed  to  end in the  late  80s and  even  admitted  during  an interview  that  Columbia  Records  had  expelled  him  replacing  him  with  another musician. After this ,  he  frequently  continued  to perform  with  some  of  his  family relatives. He  went on  to  an  extent of  even  acting  in  movies  as well as in  TV shows  but  sooner  or  later,  life  complications started  to  show  up when  he started having  health  problems  and  eventually  ending  up  having a  heart  surgery.  After  his  operations  he  continued to  be  given  treatment of  mitigating  dependence   to  pain killers drugs.

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Having  recorded  approximately  more  than  four hundred  hits  and  as  a  result  becoming  a member  of Country  hits hall of  fame  as  well as  a member of Nashville Songwriter's  he  was introduced to  Rock in the  early 1992. The same year saw the discharge of The Essential Prison (Streissguth, p.196). In the following year he sang the "The Wanderer". In 1995, with the discharge of the Americans Recordings, he was hurled by the alt-rock audiences. He was then congratulated for his deep vocals, guitar which was rhythmic, simple music just to mention but a few.


Johnny  faced  a lot  of  ups  and  downs during  his  career  path as  a musician  although  he  did  not let go. He was determined to fight to the end and make sure that he was successful in what he was after. During his career, he managed to receive Grammy awards amounting up to 11 in number (Cash & Carr, p.3). He  also  enjoyed being  chosen as the  beneficiary of the Honors  of  the  Kennedy  as well as  the  National Medal  of Arts. As his name goes "Man in Black", he managed to emerge from dark to becoming a legend.

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