Free «Personal Goal Statement» Essay Sample

My experiences in life as a student first in secondary school and with what have so far studied in regard to educational leadership have shaped me to what I am today. To begin with, it has been my dream to pursue my education in order to meet my career goal of becoming an educational leader. I have always been fascinated by education leaders thus inspiring my dream to pursue education leadership. At the same time, some leaders have proved to be inefficient in management of education and thus I am compelled within myself that there is need for change.

As such, there is no one else whom I am waiting for to correct what is wrong in the educational leadership. Thus, I have decided over time, that I can take it to my hands and set myself to pursue educational leadership in the college. This is what has motivated me not to stop my education at the level of secondary school but rather to advance to the college level. If I will continue with my college education, I will be more knowledgeable than I am and will increase in my correctness. In this sense, I will be well equipped as a leader to be able to bring an impact in the education sector.



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For personal development, this will make me to be more fruitful or rather productive for my own benefit and the society in the larger perspective. Along with this, I will be able to increase my opportunities of employment along with increased chances of promotion and a better salary will be realized. Education leadership can best be defined as the process through which enrollment and guidance of the talents and energies of teachers, pupils and parents towards achieving common educational aims is done (Tomlinson, 2004, p.89). As such, it is my desire in this aspect to be able to achieve this by continuing college to impact my student learning. I will also be in a position to broaden my ways possibly to help student and /or my fellow workers. I will be well equipped with communication skills suitable for an education leader that will make it possible for higher teacher, student and parent achievement of the educational aims.

I believe that my continuing to college will provide me with the right qualification to afford a managerial position. Educational administration calls for competent leaders with strong interpersonal and communication skills essential because much of an administrator’s job involves working and collaborating with others (Tomlinson, 2004). My continuing with college will provide me with these qualifications. This in actuality will enable me to become a better person who can lead and manage as a leader in education as well as direct my fellow leaders towards bringing a better change in education. This will mean better achievements of the educational goals and academic standards. Parents and teachers will also be better placed to collaborate towards the better educational achievement.

Accordingly, this will help me to both guide students and bring reformation in the educational leadership. I am so sure that with the college education I will be well positioned to bring an impact and improvement in the system as I will deliver quality and exceptional skills of leadership. There will be no more problems owing to a lack of the right skills required for an education leader as educational training in the college will equip me to become a better leader. The learning of student has continuously been faced with certain limitations that come as a consequence of poor management. This has been associated with poor education of leaders that have existed in the past as they lack the right skills for effective leadership (Tomlinson, 2004, p.92). I know that leadership needs skill, and the college offers all what is needed for effective leadership as well as exceptional communication skills. Therefore, my personal goal is to continue in college and pursue educational leadership as my field of specialization in order to bring quality reformation in the educational leadership for better achievement of educational aims and goals. At least with educational leadership education in college, I will be able to meet my goals.


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