Free «Tuesdays with Morrie Paper» Essay Sample

Who is Morrie as caring person?  How does he express his caring?

Professor  Morrie Schwartz was an old professor with a vital energy inside of his soul and mind and with constant intension of living his life, but not wasting it. He has been tending to share his life and scientific experience with students, friends and people, who needed him. His key life maxim after he was told about his serious illness was “to be important and not to achieve the point of being useless for society”. He has made a decision to work and to share his experience till the last day of his life with other people rather than wasting time at home while managing his illness. The expression of the care was directing of all his vital energy for teaching people, sharing common thoughts and discussions and also, Morrie has been an attentive listener and he has enjoyed communication with other people.

Who is Mitch as caring person?  How does he express his caring?

Mitch has been a graduated student of professor Morrie, who has reminded his teacher for the rest of the life. The whole paper is written from the first person- Mitch and the whole attitude towards the personality of Morrie is the careful and thankful attitude towards old professor. The description of the appearance: “He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds. In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet and a Christmas elf” also indicates the careful position of Mitch towards the personality of Morrie.



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There are the following Mayeroff's caring ingredients: knowing, alternating, rhythm, trust, honesty, hope, courage, humility and patience. Morrie has been a caring person with a high rate of, honesty, hope, courage, humility and patience. His life attitude has been humanistic-oriented, without any rate of reclusion even under the circumstances of fatal illness.

On his journey with Morrie, what did Mitch learn about living and dying?

On his journey with Morrie, Mitch has learnt the philosophy of life and death, the way, individual should think about initial human values- living in society, interrelation between human beings, making the contribution to the social life development and improvement and the ability to manage his own frustrations and disabilities in the name of the life, of being important and useful.

How does the story of this journey assist you as nurse when caring for people and their families and significant others during end of life?

After reading this storey about strong personality, about the impact, everyone of us should make in life for other people and social groups and the way, we should think about life and death, I have made a conclusion that the nowadays people should change the life positions of being separated from others and live in the name of personal needs and values. Being a nurse and caring people with terminal illness, it is important to assist them in the end of their lives in such a way that every day should be bright, full, of events and a weak person should be assisted in ones’ attempt for being happy and important for other people. Human body is not the main gift we are provided as we are born, we also have a soul and mind and these two integral parts of human being should always stay alive and not diseased even if the physical abilities of our bodies are limited.

Please discuss specific nursing responses

Under the circumstances of taking the care of person with terminal illness, nurse should carry out the following activities: psychological care and physical assistance, proactive assessment and treatment service and finally, the core task of nurse is preventing the condition of the terminal stage of disease when person is unable to carry out the basic activities due to the need of being constantly supported. The last issue to be the maxim of the nowadays nursing is “not to denude person of hope for life”.

Discuss the three most important things you gained from reading this book.

After reading this storey, I have made a conclusion that our life is a gift and we should not waste this gift. Every day should be lived as the best day of life- person should be happy and important for others, in the light of assistance and taking care of diseased- we should provide them a hope for life and the possibility of being happy.


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