Free «Augustine Essay» Essay Sample


The Augustine’s key realization about God revolves around the nature and powers of God. It is noted that Augustine realized   that God is the main source of all truth, and  goodness. God in himself is beauty, and all creations are beautiful since  they  are a reflection of God. The nature of God played a central role in Augustine’s conversion to Christianity. This paper takes a critical analysis of Augustine’ s key realization about God and the realization are critical to his conversion. Augustine starts  his confession  with a glorious praise to the almighty God. It is noted that Augustine  believes that human beings cannot do without God’s assistance. This is evidenced when he says that  God  stirs human being  to have  in praising Him, because God has made human being in his image  and therefore the human’s hearts are restless until they rest in God. This argument brings the insightful knowledge  that  man desire to know  God and synchronize their aspiration with God's will. However, it normally becomes difficult for man to achieve this easily due to his  weakness and sinful deeds. Towards this, God’s assistance is critical to succeed.  The intimate relationship between God and man  is very much important. This is the reason why Augustine realization that God is the source of all truth is critical not only to his life but also to his audience. In the essay  Confessions, Augustine’s  conversation is directed to God. For instance there is the use of  "I," which  means Augustine and "You," which means God.



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Augustine’s  Confessions is a conversation of  Augustine's return to almighty  God. In this regard, it prudent that  Augustine opens his conversation by giving  tribute of praise to the almighty God whom he cherish. With the realization that God is great in human life, Augustine notes  he should  demonstrate  his strong  faith in God. The knowledge of God made  him a different person as compared to his earlier life. This is because he could then comprehend several things, which are hidden to him about God. Augustine in his confession alludes to the fact that he praises a living God who is not distant deity but rather close to man. He notes that man’s life is a manifestation of the presence of God and how he is powerful. It is through a logical confession of faith in god that maintains  a Augustine's focus to god and on human audience. The confession is very important to a human being since it gives people the opportunity to comprehend the nature of God and his grace. Augustine strives to illustrate the entire  nature of God by writing a combination of  opposites ideas: For instance, God is always hidden but ever present; collected for himself but do not need anything; redeeming and restoring things lost but never experience any loss. In this situation, Augustine's depicts his love for God through his elegant and magnificent rhetorics.

Augustine learns that  to almighty God, evil does not exist everything was created  in perfection.  The realization of God’s  nature leads Augustine to comprehend that sin is a refusal of the chief good which God, and the desire for  material things which are amorphous . The knowledge of this  this truth is immensely great for  Augustine's knowledge. However, he seeks the insights by meditating on  Christ. Through mediation, he gets the knowledge of immaterial and material and how God power supersedes any other power. In the  reading of the Confessions, Augustine makes a reflection  and interpretation of  his past life in search of  answers to some of the difficult  questions he poses  at the beginning of the essay. One of the main questions that he puts forward is that  “Could  praises be worthy of the Lord’s dignity,”(21,22) which forms the foundation of more difficult and challenging  questions for instance, “who is the God I worship” and “How can I run to  my God for help” (21, 22). Augustine’s past life accounts are a vivid reflection of how man can be redeemed when he returns to God and comprehend the nature of God.

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Augustine explains  in Books 4 to 5 how he drops into sinful deeds  and his deep sorrow for that occurrence. He says  that  God was right near him when he required him but it is his sinful nature that separated him from god’s glory.  He notes that it is through God’s glory that a man can find himself and return to God (92).  Augustine makes a reflection on  his writings concerning  his earlier activities by asking difficult  questions  at  the start such as: what is God? The of  Augustine changed greatly upon realization that indeed  God is  everything in a man’s life; but because he knows that a man is short of glory, he is continually involved in sinful activities. It is evidenced that he knows the consequence of  sins for instance  a disjoint between him and God. Over indulgence in sinful deeds, Augustine realizes that he is unable  to recollect himself nor reach God. This makes him get the knowledge that  the pleasure  he indulged in r during his sinful days separated him with God. The reflection of his life makes him understand more about God and draws him closer to him. Throughout the discussion, Augustine  tries to give answers to opposition that  is always experienced  within the Catholic church. For instance, the notion  that truth can never  be articulated in an elegant and polished language. Several  Christians were very suspicious about  pagan ideas and  education but Augustine came out strongly to harmonize the Christian ideas and pagan ideas in a more logical way.

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In his confession, Augustine comprehends fully the meaning and role of the holy spirit. The Bible affirms the Holy Spirit as a fully divine, volitional and personal being whose works and attributes bear witness to the same. A succinct analysis of the above discussions reveals the existence of a third person in the trinity, very distinct but coequal with God the Father and the Son. A dissection of facts presented in the discussions illustrates that the thesis statement has been successfully proven. It is within this perspective that the gradual development of the doctrine of the scripture indicates a third person of the adorable trinity whose personality is proved and divinely established. Attributes and personality ascribe to him whereas the establishment of his divinity is evidenced by the fact that the names of God are ascribed to him. Furthermore, a critical examination of the facts presented and supported by quotations from the Bible that has initiated Messianic age with its outpouring of the spirit. The Deity of the Holy Spirit illustrates that the Holy Spirit is God and the Holy Spirit has a unique role within the Godhead. The personal attributes of the Holy Spirit as a personal being with a will, mind and emotions are further proofs of the Bible’s affirmations of the Holy Spirit as a fully divine personal being. The link between the Holy Spirit and the Church and the works of the Holy Spirit in an individual believer proves the thesis statement on Bible’s affirmation. In conclusion,the depth knowledge of God coupled and desire to do good played a pivotal role in Augustine conversion and actual life in Christianity. In addition, the Augustine realization that God is the source of all truth, knowledge made him answer most of the questions he used to ask about God when he was not yet converted to Christianity.


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