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The difficulties of life can easily wear down any individual. It is often advisable to have a close friend that one would stand with through thick and thin. A sidekick is a close person who becomes a friend and stays close throughout one’s life. Candide is a character in need of close company and a true friend. On the other hand, Connor is a sly person whose ambitions are shallow (K. Stout and R. Stout 79). There is a need to discuss and determine whether Candide and Connor can be sidekicks.
The Philadelphia Story
It depicts Connor’s character and thoughts. Connor is Dexter’s friend. In the story, the director highlights Tracy’s husband as an irresponsible man who is not ready to take care of his family the way it deserves. He is depicted as a man who does not consider the benefit of having a wife until another man notices her and takes a step to remarry his wife. On the other hand, the disappointed wife, Tracy, takes on to get married to avoid further pressures from an irresponsible husband. George Kittredge enjoys getting married to Tracy, but this dream only lasts for a while before Tracy realizes that she is still involved with her husband. Confusion arises once Connor takes advantage to have sometime with Tracy at the pool.
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Candide’s character is evidently noticeable through his steadfast personality throughout the story. He is a young man, determined to make life enjoyable just like his mentor, Pangloss, told him (Voltaire 16). Despite the downfalls in his pursuit for happiness, Candide does not give up easily. He goes through one episode after another each time with a determination that all should be well. He encounters different problems and loses friends along the way. However, he remains on course to the time he finally becomes a happy man. At last, Candide unites with Cacambo together with other friends who have struggled along the way.
Character Analysis
Both Candide and Connor look up to living luxurious lives without any problems. While Connor is depicted as a man who is responsible, he is a person who enjoys the pleasures of life. He is ready to accompany Dexter to the wedding just to collect data, concerning Tracy and Kittredge’s marriage. At the wedding, Connor enjoys the party more as compared to the other guests. He is seen having fun with Dexter’s wife in the pool while he was waiting for the interview (Shumway 91). Connor does not seem to think of the repercussions of mingling with Tracy, which causes a problem with Dexter in the end.
Connor’s character likens to that of Candide. While he is living in Pangloss’s castle, he is not careful on what he does, not to offend him. Candide falls in love with Pangloss’s daughter (Voltaire 16). This becomes a problem like in the case of Connor with Tracy. While Connor causes trouble in Tracy’s wedding, so does Candide at the castle, all because of women. These young men have a lot in common in terms of enjoying life and having fun with women (Voltaire 16). Similarly, they both do not realize the consequences of their actions soon enough to escape tragedy. These two can only be friends for a short while in times of leisure.
Connor is a young man who is easy to capture. He is not strong enough to stand hardships. He is the person, seen to rush to having easy things in life. Like Candide, Connor escapes every time he has to make a firm decision. For instance, he escapes Liz every time she seeks to have a stable relationship with him (K. Stout and R. Stout 237). Candide and Connor are men who seem to be compatible because they both would like to have easy lives with no significant responsibilities to take. Although they display weakness in their characters, it is evident that they can both be very steadfast and focused to attain a certain set objective. For instance, Connor is determined to get an interview from the rich family. He does his best to get close to Tracy to have a one-on-one talk. Once pushed to the edge, Candide displays great deal of confidence that makes him move despite the challenges ahead of him. Hence, they can advise each other.
Candide becomes a wealthy man after struggling to regain his position together with his friends (Voltaire 29). This portrays a clear image of a person who likes to have pleasure and relaxation. The character of Connor is depicted similarly. Connor relates closely to Dexter who takes with him to various errands that they enjoy together. In the same context, they can agree with Candide to enjoy life with the much they have gained. Additionally, they both like women. While Candide looks forward to marry another woman, Connor does not let any opportunity to have a woman go despite his instability of decision-making (Shumway 96). Connor displays a habit of being a sidekick that Candide can embrace. Connor has chosen to agree with Dexter to follow him to Tracy’s wedding. He does this to help Dexter accomplish his plan (K. Stout and R. Stout 239). Similarly, he is able to follow Candide in case he requires company. Hence, they can be friends to accompany each other throughout life’s adventure.
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Both Connor and Candide can be referred to as commoners. They are people who do not have wealth of their own. For instance, Candide is adapted by Pangloss and lives with him in his premises. At this time, Candide does not have any place of his own. Once Pangloss sends him out, he has to begin from scratches to take care of himself. Connor is in this category too. He has to walk around with Dexter to mingle with rich people like Tracy and her family (Vineberg 55). As a result, these young men can comfortably live together as they can speak the same language of lower class people, contrary to the rich. Although Candide is wealthy, he still meets with others of a lower class.
They both display hardworking characters. Candide has grown up in a castle, and he knows the life of having plenty. Once Pangloss throws him out, he is left without a place to stay. At this time, he devises means of surviving. Candide then takes it upon himself to find shelter for his head. In the end, he manages to reach his achievement with the help of his friends. Connor is depicted as a reporter (Vineberg 2). The young man is seen to go to all extends to make sure that he is doing his job. When he is told about Dexter’s plan, he embraces the idea and is ready to go ahead and do his job. He finds means and ways to obtain as much information as possible from Tracy. Such a character can bind Candide and Connor together as sidekicks.
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In conclusion, the characters of both Candide and Connor are built on varying foundations. Although they seem to be different, they are ambitious and hardworking. They are people who can move together or work together to attain a certain objectives. As young people, they are looking forward to living happily. In this regard, Connor and Candide can make good sidekicks.