Free «Reaching the Unreached People» Essay Sample

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2million followers today. It is also among the oldest religions, having started in the first century in the Near East region. It has spread to most parts of the world, but to date, some people are considered unreached. According to, the unreached people group is defined as ‘the largest group through which the gospel can flow without encountering significant barriers of understanding and acceptance.’

With the current need for people to have morality among them, evangelists need to realize that they still have more work to do to ensure that they reach every part of the world, and to give everyone the chance to now Christ and His importance in their lives. When Christ rose to heaven, He asked one of His disciples, Peter, to be the pillar of His church. Since Jesus died for everyone in the world, 2000 years on, He would like to see as many people as possible knowing and receiving Him. Therefore, it would only be fair to ensure that everyone has the god news of the Lord, and leave them to decide whether they would follow Christianity or not.



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With this in mind, it is important that missionaries come up with the correct strategies to ensure that they reach these groups in order to further spread Christianity, while ensuring that all people of the world read the Bible and practice its teachings. In this paper, the unreached people will be determined, and reasons as to why they are unreached will be delved into. This will be important in carving the best strategies that would be used on them, and the best approaches as well. Such people are sensitive and good preparation is important because the entrance of the religion would determine its success or otherwise.


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