With the development of the Internet and television, children of all ages read less. They refuse to read saying that it is better to watch the movie or read the summary in the Internet. With such a progress, the books will soon disappear. Though, the situation is not so bad as one may think. This project is aimed at showing that children are yet willing to read, especially little kids of pre-school age.
There are different genres of children books as well as books for adults. Children have the same wide variety of the book choice; the problem is that we do not notice that. Mothers say that there are either books for very small kids mainly consisting of pictures, or for children who are older than ten, such as fantasy books. Though, one forgets about fairy tales, myths, legends, poetry, and others. Such books are for children of all ages, there are no strict rules. In this project, I will give the overview of the main children books genres, and try to understand what genres are the most popular among children of the age from five to seven and eight to ten years old. This project is aimed at predicting the main tendencies in the development of book publishing for children, as well as how much the children are interested in reading.
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In this project I will take a closer look at the fantasy books for children such as “Harry Potter” books or “The Lord of the Rings,” and compare them with legends and myths of ancient times. Books are aimed at teaching us something good, which can be important in our future lives. I want to compare how the classical and modern literature may influence children’s views on the world.
Since ages, books were the main source of knowledge, especially for children, but with the development of modern technologies, it seems that they will soon disappear. This research seeks to show that the situation is different to what one sees, and books still remain very popular among children of elementary and intermediate school levels. Not only classical books are read, but also new ones are published.