Free «Project Proposal and Presentation» Essay Sample

A-Team Construction, Inc is a reputable construction company with a highly qualified staff. The company does construction business; it has specialized in the construction of both commercial and residential buildings. The company mostly handles additional construction; it has been a part of its core activities. The experienced team of professionals are qualified in constructing additional stories while the owners of the house still intact. The company has a long-standing history of strictly abiding by the contract terms and, above all, quality of the final product is the company’s priority. A-team fully prioritizes client comfort during re-construction as well as all requirements for the additional stories.

             A-Team construction, Inc holds this project dear and it truly needs this offer for business survival. Other than the obvious gains in terms of profits, the company wants to use this opportunity to show their client Mr. Joe Homeowner that it is possible to construct additional stories without inconveniencing the inhabitants. The company wishes to have this project so that it can sustain its business and be able to serve others better in future.



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Project stakeholders

There are main stakeholders enjoined in this project. The first on of course is the customer who is the owner of the house, Mr. Joe homeowner. He will be instrumental in terms of approving and procuring all the resources incurred in the project. Mr. Joe Homeowner will also hold the company accountable for the outcome of this project. In other words, our team is accountable to the client as far as the final product is concerned. Additional stakeholders include the company, as it is responsible for carrying out the main activity, construction. It will be in charge of nearly all the construction work on this project. Both of the above stakeholders have to collaborate with a financial institution, namely the National Bank of America. The bank is tasked with providing funding for this course as well as handling all payments. Material suppliers are also part of this project. They will be responsible for the supply of all the materials needed for the construction. Least but not last, there are transporters. They will be responsible for acquisitions and movement of all the materials needed for the purpose of construction.

Triple constraints

Construction project of this nature never has a smooth running. Occasionally, there might be false starts, hitches here and there. First, there is the issue of cost. Costs of construction materials are ever on the increase. The client needs to be aware of this prior to the commencement of the construction. Similarly, there may be an element of time. A shortage of time may possibly be occasioned by some factors that are outside the control of the company. For instance, a bad weather, lack of funds, contract breaches and others, might stall the progress. The other constraint might be in terms of performance, but the company will do its best to ensure that the project proceeds as agreed in the contract. The fourth constraint, which the company highly regrets but cannot do anything about, is the invasion of privacy. Residential remodel is an invasion of a person’s home and privacy, as well. Nevertheless, the client will be informed of the predicament to enable him make the necessary decision in time. This means that customer relations are of utmost importance with projects of this nature.


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