Free «A Formal Approach to the Comparison of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design» Essay Sample

The article, A Formal Approach to the Comparison of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies, by Hong, Goor and Brinkkemper was published in 1993 in the Proceedings of the 26th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. The article is about a presentation in the conference and it compares design methodologies and analysis in an object oriented method. It fundamentally deals with six different approaches to the issue. Within this parameter the article presents a well formulated meta-data model and a similar meta-process model for each of the said six approaches. Among the six approaches of the text two approaches or meta models are concentrated on the issue of design and analysis along with concept designing and technique formulations based on the former methodology.

Thus, uniformity is established within the methods of representation and an all-embracing assessment of the six different approaches is evaluated based on their performance. The result of these evaluations is assimilated in form of tables for better understanding of the issues placed forward. This process also is instrumental in eradication of minor errors and thus the chances of misinterpretation or misunderstanding is avoided. This made the approach, methodology and the tests within it completely unbiased.



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The fundamental idea of the research was to establish the fact that most of the researchers are interested in subject oriented evaluation of issues and all their research designs were targeted towards analysis that were predominantly object driven. The main source of this hypothesis was based on a large amount of literature review that specifically included peer review scholarly journal articles. However, they also included book, periodicals, and conference articles. The work by the researchers, Hong, Goor and Brinkkemper, made it a point to enumerate test results and methodologies that is essential for any research approach as the design of methodologies ultimately decides the result of any research.


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