Free «Concert Report» Essay Sample

I attended a concert in our church 0n 4th December, 2008. The concert was named "O Holy Night Christmas Tour with Sara Groves". This was a Christmas concert which Sara Groves performed. I arrived in the church hall where the concert was being done at around 8.30 am while the function was starting at 9.30 am. The concert hall was full and people were very interested to follow the event.

The hall was decorated with variety of bulbs which lit with a sequence. Besides being one of memorable musical event, the occasion also witnessed youth concert which was led by Sara Groves. The choir was very attractive; men wore red suits and women wearing black skirt and white blouses. This beautiful dressing drew attention of many and made the occasion to be colorful throughout.

The musical flexibility of the band throughout shone brightly and participated greatly in creating a joyous Christmas atmosphere suitable to the occasion. One thing I observed was in choir was their great combination, the harmonious congregation and the band which retorted to the masterly leadership of conductor Sara Groves and produced carol singing of a rare quality and passion. Many people who attended the concert conquered that it was an amazing start to the proper Christmas.



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The final session of the concert ended with presentation of gifts. Sara Groves, who was leading the choir, presented the bishop of the church with a cut glass Welsh Dragon on behalf of the choir and a Photographic Collection. Bishop responded by thanking Sara Groves and the entire choir for taking their time and performing in the conferences and presented the choir with a copy of the Sterling Coat of Arms.


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