Free «The Pet Economy» Essay Sample


Pets, in the recent past, have become part and parcel of the human life. The main reason for this has been said to be the continued isolation of family members due to busy work schedules. Furthermore, more people are working from their homes and pets have become companions of most those who work from their homes.  This essay will review an article on the pet economy.

The Pet Economy

This is an exemplary article showing the power of love and passion for something one loves. The article, in fact, is not about pets but rather the power of love and the extent to which people can go to express love. According to me, the article also clearly proves that love knows no boundaries. Human nature dictates that love has to be expressed and intense love has to be expressed practically. It should be obvious that as the people bond more with pets, huge amounts of money than is covered in this article will be spent on pets. The strengthening of the bond between people and pets has led to springing up of many business enterprises to provide and cater for the pets. These range from food industries, clothes manufacturing to medical supplies. I believe that as the friendship between human beings and pets intensifies, the pet business will intensify and register even more amounts of money spent on the pets (Brady & Palmeri, 2007).



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To reduce the amount spent on pet related issues, I will recommend that pet owners should learn positive ways of taking care of their pets. This includes the feeding habits and generally the day to day taking care of their pets. Proper diet for the pets will reduce the amount of money spent on the medical bills. It will be prudent to teach the pet owners on how to properly take care of their pets rather than just criticizing the owners on the amount of money they spend on their pets.


Owning pets has just become part and parcel of many households. The close relationship between pets and their owners has enabled the pets to be specially treated. To avoid spending huge amounts of money on pet, there is a need for the owners to be trained on how to handle their pets with due care.


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