Free «Examining the Plight of Women in Toni Morrison's Sula» Essay Sample


Men dominance has always been considered as commandant in the society. And women in the social norms are considered as a symbol of plight due to the men’s supremacy. The same social perception has been portrayed in the Morrison’s novel Sula. It is story of a woman have different family background and social conventions. She had faced lot of difficulties in her life due to her lifestyle which she has received in legacy. However, the thesis of the novel is about women disregard and plight by the society and the social racial behavior (Blackburn, 1973). It is also considered as reference and continuation of the novel “Their eyes were watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston due to the same theme.

Element of women plight:

The element of women plight has been efficiently portrayed by the writer in the central character of Sula. The difficulties and social disregard has been faced by Sula just because of her forefather inheritance and carrying-over her lifestyle with the family ethnicity and upbringing. However, the common perception in the bottom society about women is not really good. The men uphold their supremacy on the women and women are engaged in typical plight scenario. But, that perception has been changed by Sula with her revolutionary thought of equality and social justice and moderate sense.



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In what ways is it possible to argue that the women of the Bottom are successful at escaping limitations owing to race and gender?

The theme of the novel has discussed gender discrimination and racial aspects of the society. As far as the writing context the intellectual protract of the novel theme has became very effectual to escape the limitations owning to race and gender in the society. It not only has permanence to eradicate the narrow mindedness by the society, but, also has very broad spectrum to affect the overall social system. It would not be wrong to say that the social issue has sufficient impact, if deliberately depict and discussed. And the writer has done her job very sufficiently.


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