Free «Few Births in a Bad Economy» Essay Sample

The article, Few Births in a Bad Economy, describe the close relationship between economic growth decline and the fertility rate in United States. The article highlights the variables’ impact on the recent economic recess in US. In addition, the article gathers information from relevant organization to establish an accurate relationship between economic position and number of births in a geographical location within United States. According to the article, birth rates in US had declined remarkably in the past few years when the country was experiencing harsh economic conditions. In the early stages of recession, more than 4.3 million births were registered. However, the number of births declined gradually to 4.0 million after recession due to economic hardship. The change in birth rate is attributed to economic constraints brought by the recession. Figure 1 in this paper’s Appendix illustrates the information graphically.

Birth rate per 1000 women aged between 15 and 44 reflected changes in economic conditions. For instance, young women preferred giving birth after economic challenges brought by recession stabilizes. Figure 2 below highlights the relationship clearly; it highlights a direct correlation between birth rate and economic situation. Also, the article illustrates the relationship between economic situation and birth rate in US by evaluating various states. States with high economic decline registered a decrease in birth rate. This was evident in Florida that had the highest economic decline rate; it registered a gradual decline in birth rate. On the other hand, North Dakota experienced minimal economic decline and registered an increase in birth rate. According to the article, demographic groups and housing prices influenced the decline in fertility rate. Birth rate decline was minimal among demographic group with least unemployment rate. The article gives a clear relationship between economic situations of a geographical location and birth rate. In this case, the article is illustrative and is therefore of high significance when analyzing economic stability and generational continuity.


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