Free «Gregor’s Transformation» Essay Sample

“The metamorphosis and Other Stories” by Franz Kafka, describe Gregor Samsa who wakes up and finds that he is transformed to a giant insect. This does not only affect his family but also leads to major disagreements and reveling of dark secrets. This paper establishes whether Gregor's transformation into a gigantic insect is the final stage in his self-abnegation, and not an act of self-assertion and revenge upon his family.

The transformation would only act as the final stage to Gregors self-abnegation; this is because the transformation happened before he knew the truth about his family. He could not have self asserted or revenged on his family since he loved them and never knew any secrets that they had kept from him. This also comes as a final stage in view of the fact that it led to his death and before he died and he was determined to go to work; a clear sign that he would support his family no matter what the cost. “No matter how energetic he threw himself on the right side, each time he rocked back into the supine position. He must have tried a hundred times…. (Kafka, 11)”



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Gregor loved and was dedicated to his family and though he hated his work as a travelling salesman he tries to wake up and prepare himself but notices he is late. He also does not want to call and give an excuse that he will not report to work since he knows that his family depends on the job that he does. Indeed, his commitment and love for his family can be seen from the fact that he had never missed a single day at work five years in a row. “Now, what if he reported in sick? But that would be extremely distressing and suspicious, because during his five years’ employment Gregor had not been ill even once (Kafka, 12)”

Although, the transformation brought into light very many secrets that the family held, including the money that the family had saved from his father’s collapsed business; it was not known to Gregor before the transformation. This meant that the transformation would act as the last way Gregor would selflessly dedicate himself to his family. The transformation changes his perception of his family once he realizes the truth but still continues to associate and love his family as an insect. This indicates how selfless Gregor was and that the transformation came to end his selflessness through death and not as revenge.


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