Free «Keep Em At Will» Essay Sample

The article, "Keep Em At Will, Treat Em for Cause" written by Janove discusses how employment at will preserves the flexibility that is required in employment, although has not don't arbitrarily given employees the boot. Janove is sounding a bell on the continued application of this belief. According to the author, the doctrine as applied by many professionals of HR is both important and viable while it gives reasonable and fair employers the significant legal freedom which is required to successfully control their human capital.

The article is calling upon the employers to show moderation while making use of this principle. It highlights the importance of testing the limits of the doctrine of at-will which with time is expected to be legally risky and impractical. Much information is provided concerning this doctrine where the author shows the likelihood of it becoming obsolete if important approach is not used.

The article looks back into the history highlighting examples in the past where the doctrine was applied and areas where it was not applied. Having definite employment terms as described by English law commentator Sir William Blackstone are such examples highlighted by the author where the employee could be terminated after a year with three months notice. The doctrine has been proved unjust using such examples as these. The at-will doctrine is regarded as a malice affair between the employee and the employer.



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The author states that there is need of some assurance in at the work place and advocates for changes through the content in the article. Ideally, the Janove states that employers must make sure they don't act with unjust and cruelty. The general idea supported by the article is the fact that the at-will doctrine becomes an effective tool when connected with fair treatment of employees. It does not disregard its application but suggests some adjustments failure to which may make the doctrine obsolete in the contemporary society. By so doing, the employer can effectively manage a fair system.


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