Free «Planet of the Apes» Essay Sample

This is an American science fiction movie. It was directed by Franklin J. Schaffuer. The movie was released on February 8, 1968 in the United States. The film gives a story of an astronaut crew that crash lands on an unusual and unexpected planet in the far-away future. In the beginning, the planet appears empty, but the remaining crew members come across a society, where apes have evolved. The apes have become creatures that have human - like intelligence as well as speech. In the planet the apes are the dominant species, while humans are mute creatures that wear animal skin.

Taylor, an astronaut, comes out of deep hibernation with the two others only to find that their spaceship had crashed. Taylor is then taken as a prisoner and moved to the city of the apes. This is after his thought is damaged, in an effort to make him silent, so that he cannot communicate with the apes.

In the apes’ city, one of the crew members undergoes brain surgery, where he is put into a state of a living dead. The other member befriends most of the apes. The apes fear him and, after sometime he manages to escape with a human female native to the planet.



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The movie brings out different types of science. Firstly, there is such social science as sociology. This is seen in the interactions between the crew members and the apes. Secondly, astronomy is also a major science in the movie. There is the use of space craft when moving between planets. The science of medicine is also seen, when one crew member undergoes brain surgery, and is put into a state of living dead. Lastly, technological science is also represented. The apes have learned speech and technology too.


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