Free «Workshop Summary» Essay Sample

When an opportunity to attend the workshop arose, I expected to have learnt a lot when they were over. The experience did not disappoint.

One of the workshops that I attended dealt with time management. I expected that as the workshop ended I would have learnt a lot. This was the case. I learnt that you need to plan your study time well. You can do this by developing blocks of study and breaks, postponing unnecessary activities, prioritize the assignments and also by identifying resources that would be helpful. I would also like to know more of time management in other areas besides in the school work.

Another workshop dealt with anger management. I have a friend who has issues in anger control. I expected that as the workshop came to a close, I would have learnt ways of helping him. I sure learnt a lot in the workshop. Some of the things that I learnt were that when one is angry it’s good to take time out and breathe and also think before you act. It is also good to exercise as this is one way of letting out of some emotions. It is also not good to keep grudges in anger management. Forgiveness is key I dealing with this problem. I also learnt o when to seek professional help. I wish the issue of how one can help a friend or a person they live with deal with anger was dealt with adequately.



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I also attended a workshop on good studying skills. This topic was handled quite well. I learnt that planning is essential. It is also good to have good notes as this will make reading easy. Paying attention in class is a good start to good studying skills. It is also good to ask questions to those who know whenever a certain area is not clear. Enough sleep is good for concentration purposes. This topic left me satisfied. All the areas of concern were dealt with.


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