Free «Raped, pregnant and ordeal not over review» Essay Sample

The article, “Raped, pregnant and ordeal not over” by Prewitt Shauna highlights an interesting topic about how a victim in an act of rape turns out to be the person tried in the case and not the defendant. The author draws in this from a personal experience along with the perception of the society. In most cases, the author makes us to believe that a rape victim will start to blame themselves for the events that led to such an act. It is also perplexing to realize how people would want to establish the outward look of the victim before the crime.

As a reader, I am inclined to the idea that cases of rape could be as a result of either the victim or the defendant’s behavioral tendencies. Therefore, the author’s approach in this article cannot be overlooked, since rape cases can at times put the victim on trial both from a personal level and at the criminal justice level (Prewitt, 2012).

The author has raised issues about rape cases and how they can result to pregnancy, but the question is, “how can we establish the facts about a rape case? How does the issue of pregnancy come to play and how has it been dealt with in the past?” The article demonstrates an ignorant society where the societal law is even challenged in a case that seems too obvious to struggle finding a solution. Some of the fathers in our community have been portrayed as negligent and not ready to take on their responsibility for their actions.



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According to Prewitt (2012), the law that governs the society apparently can give rapists a chance to see their children though this has rarely been reported. The issues raised by the author are of great concern. Much communication that highlights the plight of the society and especially the victim in rape cases is thus needed. The issue presented in this article seems to be pondering generations while a solution is being sought. Such kind of challenge we are facing as a society.


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