Free «Rudy» Essay Sample

The film, Rudy refers to one of the American sports film, which was directed by a gentleman known as David Anspaugh. It gives a detailed account of the early life of Daniel Ruettiger “Rudy”, who was very determined to play football in spite of the various obstacles that he was facing. Among these obstacles were the lack of money and grade to attend the University.

Rudy's positive and negative personality traits that assisted him in making his dreams a reality

Rudy had a positive outlook towards life, and this could be seen from the way he was determined to play football despite his lack of talent to excel in the game. Though small in size, Rudy had the most powerful human spirit and did not believe in his shortcomings as the obstacles to his success. He was much smaller than an average football player, but still pursued the goal of playing football to the very end. He eventually learnt to overcome his academic problems upon a successful test by D-Bob. This was the turning point in Rudy’s life; he realized his disability (dyslexia) overcame it and finally became a better student. Rudy performed well in his final academic semester and was admitted to Notre Dame. At the University, he exhibited more drive than most of his teammates who had also won a scholarship and secured a chance at the institution.



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I share with Rudy the traits of persistence and perseverance. Just like Rudy, I do not give up in pursuing my goals until I succeed. Despite many obstacles, I am always committed to achieve my dreams, and these are some of the positive qualities that I share with Rudy.

Despite my small body and height that hinder me from taking part in athletics, the spirit of persistence, perseverance and hard work have enabled me to succeed in difficult projects, especially in my academics. I have constantly revised my class assignments and managed to improve my grades in the final semesters.

Evidently, Roland Steele was the one behind Rudy’s college success team because he invited him to lead the team in the last home game against the wish of the coach, Dan Devine. Under the leadership and the guidance of both Rudy and Steele, the Notre Dame team emerged the winner of the final home game.

The assistant coach is the one behind our college success team because he is the one who has sacrificed most of his time and resources to make sure that the team gets quality training, which has enabled us to win several matches.


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