Follow up phone calls is a technological device which is used in hospitals to measure readmission rate for heart failure for patients being discharged from health centers. This device is designed in such a way that phone calls is used to link hospital management, SNFs and the patients where the management are able to get a clear feedback about the health condition of their patient after discharge from hospital within 48 hours. The device which measures the rate of heart failure identity the number of patient being discharged and taken care by the SNF and email the names of those patient to hospital care coordinator (Snodgrass, 2004). The coordinators review the names of patient being discharged and identify the facilities used alongside SNF conducts which facilitates smooth flow of patient in and out of the health centre.
The main purpose of this device is to reduce the heart failure readmission rate which is cost saving. This is because the cost of installing of phone devices within and outside the hospital management is relatively cheaper compared the cost of gathering information about heart failure readmission level and the process collecting information from SNF and patients is complex and tiresome. The cost purchasing and installing the phone call devices is out weight by the long term benefits of using those devices in the organization. Training cost is relatively zero since hospital staff can be educated on how to use the device effectively without incurring extra cost in provision of basic skills and other related knowledge about smooth operation of the device.
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Follow up phone call device is effective and efficient in providing smooth communication in the health centre where staff wasted hours of moving from one department to another is reduced because the phone device help staff members to obtain patient information in easier and cheaper way through follow up phone device. It limits hospital workers or staff from moving from one office to another looking for patient files which time consuming.
This innovation of new communication device needs initial installation cost to connect to various sections of the organization .It may appear as expense to hospital organization in short run but in long-run it may have many benefits. The materials used to manufacture these devices are durable and cheap in the market hence easy to purchase and install.
The aim to reduce heart failure readmission rate is not only important in cost reduction but also smoothen patient flow in and out of hospital hence maintaining high quality health care. The long term objective is to reduce the readmission rate and also improve the relationship between the hospital and SNF. During the heart failure discharge the follow up phone link will enable patient to improve their health condition (Donahue, 2010). Employees and patient satisfaction is improved by use of this device through optimized communication, minimized errors and quality service delivery.
The basic principle for introducing this technological device is to improve efficiency in service delivery through empowering both patient and employees to adopt a common sense in service provision. The device will reduce time wastage in acquiring health care services since patient will find it easy to get proper treatment within a span of time.
The innovative and implementation of this device so that it improves service delivery faces numerous challenges such initial capital requirement to be able to built the idea to capacity. Government policy and regulation also hinder the effective implementation of this technological change because of poor policy in place (D'Antonio, 2010). Other challenge includes commitments of stake holders in making this device effective and lack of resources or funds to make this innovation successful in every sector. In conclusion the follow up phone device will improve health care services if it’s fully implemented in every stage.