Free «List 5 of the top level domains and include a description of who can use each» Essay Sample

An internet domain name can be defined as a sequence of certain characters which are specifically used to tell the site of a particular organization, cooperation, business or some kind of information online. However, an internet domain name is mostly thought to be the address of a specific global website. Nevertheless, a domain name is made up of several parts, for example has three parts (Barkakati, 2006).

The first part of www means that whatever follows is a location in the internet that is recognized globally which stands for World Wide Web. The second part which is "family" is the sub domain while the last part '.org' is the top-level domain of that particular website (Barkakati, 2006). In the same line of thought, domain names are very vital because they allow the resources in the internet which are addressed numerically to be acknowledged and remembered easily. Apart from this, the top-level domains make up the DNS root zone because they occupy the highest levels of the domain.



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So to speak, there are good number of internet top-level domains and five of these top levels domains include '.org', '.net', '.gov', '.edu' and '.com'. These are the most common TLDs and each one them has a specific function in the DNS root zone. To begin with, '.org' is a top-level domain used by organization and anyone is allowed to register. Secondly, is '.net' which is for the network units and it is open for anyone to register as well. The other TLD is '.gov' which is for governmental bodies and is restricted to legislative organizations. On the other hand, '.edu' is meant for educational entities and it is limited to qualified postsecondary universities and colleges especially in abroad. Finally, '.com' is meant for commercial agencies and it is open to everybody therefore anyone can register (Barkakati, 2006).


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