Free «Borowski, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Gas Chamber» Essay Sample

There are many ways that the narrator of the story used in order to have a good understanding of the Nazi people and all the activities they do. From this overview, the narrator is able to get to learn of the Nazi practices and their ways of survival. From the story, it is very clear that the people of this community or rather the prisoners are used to the daily routine that enables them to acquire their food and clothing. For the narrator to survive and get to learn of the Nazi people, he is compelled to involve in particular defense mechanisms of which he is able to get acquainted to the reasons for the long governance of the world for a very long period of time (Kijowski 45-48).

First and foremost, as the story unfolds, we find the narrator unnamed. He is a polish gentile imprisoned in Auschwitz. From this understanding, he is never known so much that he is a native to the particular land or country. If he would have been known, it is almost untrue that he would have remained in the camp. Moreover, he is able to win the interest of many, and in the story, we are told that he is better off than most of his prisoners and receives food packages from his family in the way that others did not. We find him taking breakfast with his friend and prisoner called Henri who is a member of a certain squad called Canada squad. It is from this view that he was able to stay and probably communicate with many of the prisoners without bothering to have them get to know of his endeavors. He eats, sleeps and even works together with the other prisoners hence able to learn of their schemes and secrets.



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We are told that the Canada squad represents members of the komando labor gang whose work is to get the Jewish prisoners out of the cattle cars and send them to the camp where they work or to another place called the gas chambers. In his first experience of the job place and the kind of the job itself, he is amazed by the fact that he had never thought to be of how it evolved to him. He gets a real touch of the kind of the work the Nazis were doing. We are told that on his way to the station of the train, he happened to have considered himself lucky oblivious of the fact that what he was expecting was likely to be the opposite of the matter. Having portrayed of this character, the fellow Nazi prisoners could not comprehend the trick behind the narrator’s behavior (Kijowski 45-48).

The narrator gets to the task of unloading thousands of the Jews prisoners as they forge to acquire food and may be a pair of shoes. We are told that the narrator had an unpleasantly cold situation. The story is furthermore chilly from the fact that the narrator is able to distance himself from the actions that he is doomed to be participating in them. He is forced to do this work in order for him to have the guarantee to stay in the camp, probably his existence because he knew that he was a Jew himself. He becomes part of the community of the concentration camp. He is able to survive by being obligated to work without showing signs of having pity among his fellow Jews prisoners who were being brutally handled to the point of death. He is thus able to stay for long over which he gets to learn of what made the Nazi people to have dominion for a long time.

The narrator of the story is too a kind of a hypocrite in the way he behaves and reacts to the life being experienced by the Jewish prisoners. He portrays the world of the prison camp as utterly meaningless yet he still stays in it with all the freedom and the ability to escape and rescue his fellow prisoners. Everything on the concentration camp was governed by violence and death of which the inmates were the pathetic subjects of the forces that were used to manage the Nazi authority. He was able to survive the selection methods that were used to get rid of those whose lives were finished. The characters in the story were actually “good” in that they were in a state of showing obedience and discipline to the Nazi authority. Even the narrator was forced to participate in the various brutal activities, throwing the blame on the Jewish prisoners. He fully and obediently participated in the Nazi activities to a point of getting used to (Kijowski 45-48).

In conclusion, the narrator is able to learn of the ways that the Nazi people used in order to remain strong and in control for a very long time. He was able to escape into the Nazis camp and also place of work where he got to experience how the Nazi people worked. Moreover, he was able to have his name hidden for he was a Jew.


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